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Ella's P.O.V:

I woke up on an unfamiliar couch to the sound of a lot of yelling. I looked around and saw Mikey, Ash, and Luke running around with nerf guns in the lounge area on the bus. Oh right, that's where I was. On the tour bus with the boys and Ken and Shadow.

Shadow was still asleep next to me, but I had no clue where Kennedy was. Or Calum for that matter, so god only knows what they were up to.

We were on our way to Dallas, which was where the first show of their tour with All Time Low was. I was already missing Bailey a lot, since she had stayed back to go to college. I knew that it was the best thing for her to do though. I could tell that Ash missed her too. He was still having fun with the other boys but he wasn't as outgoing as usual.

I stood up from the couch and put my hands over my face as I ran past the boys and over to the coffee maker in the kitchen area. I made myself a cup and then sat down at the little table. After a minute Shadow walked in and joined me.

I smiled at her, "Morning."

She groaned, "It's not like I woke up by choice. Remind me again, why did we think touring with them would be a good idea?"

"I know, we probably should've thought about the fact that they're five year olds at heart. At least you and Ken will have something to do though. Their craziness is perfect for blogging and pictures. I, on the other hand, get to try and do my work while dealing with all this."

She laughed lightly, "Yeah, at least I'll have plenty to write about. Hey, where is Ken by the way?"

"Oh who knows, her and Calum are off alone somewhere." I raised my eyebrows at the last part.

"Oh god. Have you talked to Bailey at all today?"

I shook my head, "No I haven't.. I wish she was here.. I'm glad she's getting a college education though."

Shadow nodded in agreement and I stood up, "Okay, well, I'm going to the bathroom to get myself fixed up since I probably look undead right now." She laughed.

I walked over to the bathroom and tried twisting the doorknob lightly, not finding it locked. I walked in and realized that the shower was going. I stopped, "Oh, jeez, sorry. Didn't know someone was in here.."

Calum peeked his head out from behind the curtain, "Oh.. Uhm.. I.. No no it's fine.."

I heard a soft giggle coming from behind the curtain and saw Calum turn back to the shower and shoot a glare in its direction. I raised my eyebrow, "Uhm.. Am I interrupting something..?"

Suddenly, Kennedy's head appeared next to Calum's. She laughed again, "Yeah, yeah you are."

I laughed and rolled my eyes, "Well.. I'm just going to go now.. So uh.. Bye.." I walked back out of the bathroom awkwardly. I went back into the kitchen area where shadow was sitting.

I sat back down, "Well.. I'm going to just go back in there later." Shadow raised one eyebrow, confused. I just laughed and shook my head.

Just then, Luke entered the room and I moved over so he could sit down next to me. He smiled at me, "Morning."

"Well I would still be asleep if you idiots hadn't woken me up." I laughed lightly.

Luke finally sat down next to me, "Harsh." He turned to me and gave me a soft kiss, pulling away too soon. His hand found mine under the table and our fingers intertwined.

"Awww," Shadow finally spoke, reminding us that she was sitting right in front of us, "You guys are too cute."

Luke smiled, "I know, I know. Speaking of that, Michael wanted to see you."

Shadow stood up, "Took him long enough. Keep it pg in here guys." She winked at us and then walked out of the room.

I turned to Luke, "Why did Mikey wanna see her?"

He smirked, "He didn't."

"Luke!" I laughed lightly as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead.

Just then, my phone rang. Luke groaned and I rolled my eyes and answered, "Hello?"

I heard Bailey's voice through the phone, "Ella. Thank god you answered. I'm freaking out."

She sounded really concerned and I was worried, "Bails.. Just calm down.. What's the problem?"

"I'm not ready for this.. I mean it was worse last time but I'm still not ready.. I need to focus on college and Ash needs to focus on the band and-"

I interrupted her, "Wait.. What do you mean last time..?" I had a feeling where this was going, I just didn't want to hear her say it.

"Ella.. I'm pregnant.. For real this time.."

I let out a deep breath, "Okay.. Okay.. Just.. Don't worry about it okay? We will figure everything out.."

"Ella I'm going to have to drop out of college.. And I think it would be better if Ash and I were together through this anyway.." She had calmed down a little but was still a little out of breath.

I sighed, "I guess you're right.. I just feel bad because you were so pumped about college.. Have you told Ash yet?"

"No.. I will when I meet up with you guys tonight.."

"Oh you're coming tonight? Why so soon?"

"I booked the first flight I could get to Dallas.. I figured I should come as soon as possible.."

"Yeah.. Yeah I guess you're right.." Everything was happening so fast...

I heard her sigh through the phone, "Okay, well I got to go finish packing.. I'll see you tonight.."

"Okay, see you then, bye."

"Bye." I hung up the phone and put it back down on the table, still in shock.

Luke took my hand in his, looking concerned, "Everything okay babe?"

I nodded slowly, "Yeah. Yeah, everything's fine.. Just a little bump in the road, that's all."

If only I had known the half of it.



Sorry it's kind of short, but it's the first chapter and yeah it will get better and longer I promise:)

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