Chapter 12

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Muhammad' POV

If one had told me a few days back that I will be getting tied down to the girl that I've come to love,adore,the fierce urge to protect her and make her known to the world as my wife and life,I would've probably spat in his face and called him a madman.
Today was the wedding Fatiha,the day I get to hold my girl in my arms and know that she's mine with no doubts,I was beyond ecstatic,the wedding Fatiha will be around 12:00,which means I still have around 3 hours befor the time to get ready and book our tickets and hotels for our honeymoon.I decided to take her to Paris,the city of love and lights,she had always wanted to go there,I decided to surprise her,we are going to leave 3 days after the wedding
Being a groom wasn't easy at all,it was very tedious and strenuous,but at the end of the day you get to have your wife all to yourself for the rest of your life.
man I'm so whipped

the teasing I received from my friends was so annoying and overbearing,they wouldn't realize what it means to be in love until they find themselves in such conditions,falling in love with Anisa was one or the best mistakes that I made and I wouldn't trade the world for it.


It was already a few minutes past 11,I dressed up in my full regalia,a black shadda,with golden embroidery,I wore a black cap and a Gucci wristwatch,slipping on my black Versace psalms,I made my way downstairs as I grabbed my car keys,my friends already texted me that they were at the central mosque,I quickly drove there,a 15 minutes drive from life camp to central mosque,Abuja.
For some reasons,I felt so nervous,the A/C was on full blast,but I was still sweating profusely,I stepped on the gas and drove faster,I arrived in less than 15 minutes successfully avoiding all the traffic and traffic agents.I parked my car under an oak tree as I climbed out of the car noticing my friends sitting on a large table

"the whipped ass  groom is finally here"Mus'ab,my wife's elder brother chided as the rest of them guffawed,I shrugged it off,I was in such a good mood but at the same time nervous as hell,why?even I couldn't give an answer to that question.


Anisa's POV

"Her feeding and clothing,health and shelter are now your responsibilities,do you promise to take care of that?


"MashaAllah,the knot has been tied,Allah bada zuri'a dayyiba,Mr and Mrs Muhammad.

A chorus of Ameen resounded in the background

Muhammad had recorded when the knot was tied and sent it to me,everyone thought it was so cute.

It's official"

"Amarya ta za ma tamu"

"She's now officially 'Mrs Muhammad"

And the ranting of my cousins and sister-in-laws kept going on and on that you couldn't even hear or differentiate one voice from another,it was freaking annoying

My phone started ringing,checking the caller to see it was Muhammad,I quickly excused myself and headed outside to pick up the phone call

"Assalamu Alaikum Mrs Muhammad".He said from the other line making me blush.

"Wa'alaikum Salam,how are you"?

Anisa⚜️  (**EDITING**)Where stories live. Discover now