Chapter One: Weird Man Picked Me Up On The Street

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"Congrats Patrick, a C on the biology test"

Miss Jameson voice echoed through my head. What? A fucking C? I'm supposed to get an A. "Um, thanks, I guess" I said after I gathered my thoughts after the big news. Well, they're big to me. I grabbed the test and left the study hall. A god damned C? I'll probably work as a garbage man and stay single the rest of my life.

I walked to my locker and got my math books. I looked around. Everywhere, people not caring about their education; instead smoking weed, drinking and partying almost every weekend. Their small, dumb brains are probably thinking about what people they'll sleep with during this spring break. Yuck.

Lucky them. Living the life of a 16 year old virgin. Woho.

I started to walk towards the math classroom, and if someone talked to me i'd literally kill them. No, that's bad. I would... Slap them in the- no, touch their face. I'm not one of those violent people. Once, i pushed a guy in the corridor due to me being late for some class. Once.

The people who walked past me looked so calm. No worries, just living life. Someone is probably going their art class after school, and someone else might just go on their first date. Interesting, right? My life is the most boring thing that probably exists. No excitement, just the same regular rituals. I'd kill for someone to pick me up with their car and just drive me away. I hate this.

I pushed- or was it pulled? However I, insert correct answer, the wooden door open and walked to my seat. I was sitting between the two leagues; the girls starring Mitty Herman and the boys, who's being lead by Ricky Handerson. In the middle there's me, and the other no lifers.

Through out the whole lesson of learning about shapes, i watched the clock. How it went from 2:45 to 2:48. Time went so slow. Like my life. Haha. I hate my life. But I should be happy. I mean, I have good grades and perfect health, only a little bitch chubby but some people think that's cute, and there's not thing wrong with that, Right? Outside the big windows, the clouds went dark and rain started to fall. The rain shattered against the window, making me go mad. Same mood as me today, huh God?

The bell suddenly rang and everyone stood up. I heard some girl screaming about her needing a tampon and a guy screaming in fear. With the power I had in my legs and arms, I pushed myself up. I grabbed my books and went to my locker, got the books in the backpack, that stuff. I put the backpack over one of my shoulders and left the big building of shit bricks.

The rain fell harder and made me wet, from top to toe. But as I walked out of the school, i saw something strange. A man; probably 20 years old, staring at me, smirking. His dark, flat hair covered most of his forehead. His tanned skin was covered in the most hideous clothes, ever. A purple closed hoodie with a pair of red skinny jeans and yellow sneakers. He had the worst fashion sense ever.

It was very creepy to be honest. My legs were telling me to run, hide and never go to school again. But my heart plus brain told me to talk to the mysterious man. I walked up slowly to the man. "Um, Hello. I noticed you staring at me?" It came out more like a question, due to me being a little freaked out. No, you know, a mysterious man was just waiting for me outside my school. "Yeah, got a problem Pattycakes?" the man replied. "Um- It's Patrick. You know Paaaatrick." I said. "I know, Lunchbox". "No it's Pat- ugh, who cares. How do you know my name, and that I go to school here?" I said, my voice shaking because still nervous. duh.

"I just know" the man replied. "Enough shit-chat, Let's go Pat". I stood there, blinking. Did he just give me orders? No, fuck you and your weird clothes. He started to walk towards a black car on the other side of the road. As I began to walk away, the mysterious man noticed and grabbed my arm. "Oh no, you're coming with me Stumph". "Ugh, at least tell me your name!" I groaned. "Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the third, also known as Pete Wentz at your service" Pete said and bowed down, like I was some royalty. "Gosh, stand up. People are staring" I whispered. He looked up and flashed me a white smile. "Oh, It's only begun".

I got a feeling of dryness in my throat as this Pete dragged towards his car. Mom, i'm getting raped. "No, you're not getting raped" Pete suddenly said. Can he read my fucking mind? "Yes I can Pattycakes, so don't have any dirty thoughts about me or it'll be awkward for both you and me. Well mostly for you" he whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I felt my cheeks heating up as he said it. You know, he's hot but- I'm not gay. He flashed me another smile and got in the car, me following behind him.

"So, where are we going?" Little me asked. "To fuck shit up, Lunchbox" He smirked. Something inside of me smiled. I've been complaining for so long about my life being so boring, and now its gonna chance- But something is still scaring me. This feels wrong.


"We're here Pat-trick" Pete said in an annoyed voice. Well, someone's on their period all of a sudden. You need a tampon? "Get the fuck out of the car" I did as he ordered. He walked to the back of the car and opened the trunk. He got out a plastic bag filled with white pills. He threw the bag at me and smiled "Ready?". "Are t-these..?!" I stuttered. "Yes, Drugs, Stumph" He said and walked towards the fancy house that was leaking voices and bad dub step music. "We can't fucking sell these, it's illegal!" I whispered. "Yes, that's the point: I'm here to make good Pat into bad Pat" He informed me. "Wait what?" I started as Pete pulled me inside the house of sweaty teenagers. "Sell about 15 pills, then seek me up" Pete whispered. How did I end up here?

I bit my lip and started walking around, trying to talk to 100% strangers, but me being socially handicapped I just stood next to the speaker staring at people. "Are you selling drugs?". I looked up seeing this redhead looking at me with her big eyes. Not very pretty eyes to be honest. "Well, Pete sent me; he just finished selling all the pills and told me I could get them from you" she said with a low voice. "U-Um yeah, I guess?" I started to fiddle around with the bag, trying to get out two pills, but I accidentally dropped the bag.

The girl sighed and looked down at me while mumbling 'amateur'. Well, thanks for the confident boost. I got the two pills and gave them to her. "Here you go, I'm sorry for dropping the bag..." I told her while I was still putting the pills in the bag. She frowned at me and walked away. I stood up and Pete walked up to me. "Don't mind her, she's just a basic bitch" Pete told me. I shook my head and looked at him. He's really pretty.

Just as he opened his mouth and was about to tell me something, the house started to shake. People aka Patrick Stumph freaked out and started screaming. Pete's facial expression wasn't so calm anymore, it basically looked like he'd seen a ghost. All of a sudden Pete grabbed my face. Okay, what's going on? With a fast and swift movement he kissed me. The kiss was, well my first. It wasn't one of those kisses you see in movies. This was passionate, not tender like everyone talks about. My legs basically melted beneath him and his stupid touch against my stupid body, what a piece of shit. The shaking stopped, but he continued making out with me, though I'm not complaining. Behind Pete, a man with short brownish hair and black RayBan's walked in. He had a leather jacket with black skinny jeans and looked like he was some secret FBI agent.

Shit, piss, piss, fuck; He's here because of the drugs right? Oh my God.

All people in the house just stared at the man who just walked in. They're probably freaking out. The loner in the corner turned off the music, making the house go completely silent. This man walked around us, searching the room with his eyes. He didn't even notice us, like we didn't exist. After three minutes of silence he walked out, and the party started again. No one even bothered to ask about the man.


Hey guys, me and Matilda are writing another fanfiction because we can, deal with it. However, as you know Fall Out Boy are currently on a tour (Yes fangirl) but they're not coming to Sweden which sucks. However, Matilda's dad told us that we might just fly to Las fucking Vegas, just casually. So we're probably going to a continent on the other side of the Atlantic just to see one of our favorite bands. Woho. However, Peterick is life fyi. We're going to update the other fanfics but school is literally killing us with a lot of fucking school work.

Comment, vote & stuff :-)

-M and E <3

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