Peter Pan // Louis Tomlinson (FairyTale Series : Book One)

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❝Like every kid , I didn't want to become an adult. I wanted to stay a kid forever and not have to deal with all the reponsibilites , hardships and problems of life .

That was until I met her. She was mature and looked down at me.The only way to have her was to finally grow up. 


 ©2014 Rheagupta 

This story is purely work of fiction. I don't own Louis Tomlinson or any other character of this story as much as  I wish I did. 

This story is AU. That is, it is set in alternative universe where one direction doesn't exist and Louis Tomlinson is just a regular guy. 

This is strictly PG-13 and children under 13 are advised not to read this.

I don't want any hate comments on here. It honestly really hurts. If there is something in my book that can be improved , then please message me. I will be glad to hear your suggestions.

Don't steal the plot. That's plagiarism and it's illegal. I won't allow it. I would straight away complain and take strict action against you. Come up with your own ideas. 

I hope that if you like this book , you will vote and comment :) .I will appreciate that very much. 

Dedicated to @Moonrocks for giving me her amazing series and now I will write these :).

Amazing trailer at the side in the multimedia section. Please watch it x

Feel free to check out my other books ;) . 




Peter Pan // Louis Tomlinson (FairyTale Series : Book One)(on hold)Where stories live. Discover now