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The next few weeks were the hardest on me. The days that followed were the worst. I had to start packing to go to New York City. This was what my mother wanted, it said so in her will.
My father got a call from a law firm, days after my mother's death, they said that they had to speak with the both of us as soon as possible. The next morning we left my house, and headed to the law firm after breakfast. The car ride was awkward, and more then anything uncomfortable. My dad asked me the question he certainly did not want answered. "Serenity, how are you doing with all this, you know with you're mother-"he was cut short by my finger held excessively close to his face."Don't you dare say it!" I shouted at him throwing him a hard, stern look. He tried to make small talk with me, I made no intent to amuse him with any of it. Why should I? he certainly didn't deserve it. I was sure I was turning red with anger, because I could feel the heat radiating from my face. This was what was happening when we arrived at the law firm. About 2 minutes early for our appointment. My father turned to look at me, and just when he was about to say something I opened the door, and hooped out of the car. The place was huge, but it had a depressing feel to it. The place was 5 stories high with brown, and beige colored walls, the only exception was the top floor, which seemed to be made of glass.
"Hello, can I help you two?"asked the blond receptionist when we entered. "Yes we're hear to meet Mr. Carter"said my father in a firm voice. "Of course, right this way"she said motioning us with her hand so we would follow. She entered the elevator with such grace it could make a ballerina or a runway model cry. She pressed the button that would take us to the 5th floor of the building. When we stepped out of the elevator, the blond walked to the big black doors that had a gold plack on them. On the plack it said Private Office of Dominic Carter. The blond knocked before entering. When we entered the office the man was on the phone sounding a bit angry. He held up his finger indicating we should sit, and wait. My father did as he was told, but I didn't, I was a bit of a rule breaker back then, or I tried to be at least. I hated getting, and taking orders from anyone. My decision about defiance was made days after my mother's death to avoid me getting hurt again. I preferred to look out the glass wall windows. It always intrigued me to see the world from the a different perspective. I could almost hear my mother's voice saying Serenity, get away from there. I chuckled, then once again put a straight face knowing where I was, and remembering that I was mad at my mother. It was only later that I forgave her, because I knew it wasn't her fault. I knew that if she could be here with me she would be.
I was drawn out of these thoughts when I heard a muscular voice say "Miss please have a seat". The man gestured with his hand for me to sit down in the chair. I hesitated for a moment."Please"he pleaded,"this won't take very long I assure you". I nodded, and sat down moving my chair a bit to the right, to put space between me, and my father. "Well then let's get started shall we","I'm sure you're both wondering why I called you down here". We both nodded in unison. "Well Serenity, I'm not sure if you're mother ever told you, but she made a will the same day she discovered she had pancreas cancer, and-"I cut him off short, by saying "Excuse me, what!" I shouted. "I'm sorry I didn't realize that you're mother never told you about her disease, please forgive my ignorance"he pleaded. I just sat back down in my chair, and nodded. I liked him, he didn't seem notice my tone, and he admitted his mistake, and apologized for it, what a gentleman. Why couldn't he have been my father, instead of this low life sitting next to me. "That's quite alright"I said. "Well then as I was saying, you're mother left a will with clear indications for you","Would you like to read it Serenity?","It was addressed to you, and only you after all". "Yes!"I answered with all too much eagerness. "Well here you go my dear it's yours"said the man as he opened a drawer under his desk, and handed me the envelop.
First thing I did was stare at it. I was afraid to read it, to read it, and to start crying once again. I hated crying, it made me feel weak, and infer, I liked to feel big, strong, and unbreakable. "Could I have a moment alone to read the will please?" I asked. They both nodded. "Of course" said the man. My father just padded me on the shoulder before he left. I shrugged his hand off. I stared at that paper for far too long. My curiosity got the better of me, and I opened it.
I read the letter, and attempted not to cry.
To My dearest Serenity,
If you are reading this now it means I have passed on to the next life, and I'm no longer here to accompany you. I thought we'd have forever together my love, but forever isn't as long as I hoped. Listen to me very carefully my child, for my indications are for you're well being, and you're well being only. Now you should be on the verge of moving out of our home and be about ready to move in with your father and his family. Now this might seem like the worst thing that has ever happened to you, but in reality my dear it's only the beginning. Every story has a beginning, and an end whether it's good or bad. You are only Beginning to write your new story. Sure it will have it's ups and downs but don't they all? What I'm trying to say is be patient with him, he's a good man with a good heart, and that's coming from me. Now this is one of the hardest parts to write, because you know I'm not good at goodbyes my dear, but I've got something for you, look inside the envelope. Now go on, look inside don't be shy. I hesitated, she knew I would. I looked inside it, it had a beautiful gold locket. I was amazed because the locket was old, and worn out, that was that factor that made it even more beautiful. I went back to reading the will, attempting not to cry.
Oh my little girl please, guard this with you're life, it's been in the my family for 5 generations, and I was given this by my mother when I was turning 16 years when she gave this to be she said that when I wore this no matter where I go she would always be with me and her love would forever protect and guide me.
I hadn't realized I was crying until I saw a tear drop hit the paper. I went back to reading it trying real hard to keep it together.
My little girl I know you're only 13 now, and that you are much younger then I was when this was given to me, but it comes with love my dear. I wish I could've been there with you the day of you're 16 birthday, but at last my time was cut short, and I knew it was my time to go, but I needed to leave some things for you to be sure you'd have a great happy life in which I no longer exist.
Okay at this point I could no longer hold it together I was crying, and tearing up, because I missed her so much, why now, why did she have to get taken away from me precisely now when I was in a time in my life that I needed her most.
The letter said somethings as in plural form. I went back to reading, for my curiosity once again got the better of me.
Serenity you will be given a lot of money the day of you're 18th birthday, you shall return to this very office the one in which you sit in now, and Mr. Carter will give it to you. What you do with that money is entirely up to you my darling, but please try, and think about the decisions you make with that money. It's enough for you to start a business, and or my personal favorite, go to college. You know I was never able to attend college, because I had you, but don't get me wrong you're the greatest gift God could have ever given me, and I never one day of my life regretted keeping you, but I could have been planned you're arrival at a better time in my life. But with this money comes a price to pay, for the next 5 years you must go live with you're father, and his family. I know that's a lot to ask my love, but I know you'll be fine, you're my brave little girl. Well I guess there's only one thing left to say, Serenity I love you no matter how far apart we are so please take care of yourself, and live every day live life as if it were you're last.
By the time I was finished my tear ducks were fresh out of tears. I wiped my eyes, and remembered about my father, and Mr.Carter. I got up from my seat, and let them in. When Mr.Carter sat back down he handed me a tissue, evidently he'd noticed I was crying, my eyes were puffy, and my face was blotchy. "So then Serenity, if you could just this document stating you read you're mother's will we can be on our way"said Mr. Carter."Wait a minute why does she have to sign the document she's only 13, she can't be signing documents" said my father. "Butt out dad I'm the one that read the will, I'm the one it was addressed to, not you, me dad so can you stop all this nonsense so I can go home!" I shouted both men looked stunned at my tone of voice. My father just nodded. I signed the document the best I could but I was sure it still looked messy. "Well then if neither of you have any questions or concerns then I think it's time to part ways my friends"said Mr.Carter shaking both our hands. "See you in 5 years Serenity" called Mr.Carter as we were on our way out. Evidently he had read the will, I wonder if that's even legal.
When we entered the car, and I was expecting dead silence, but instead my father choose to ask a question "What was Mr.Carter talking about when he said see you in 5 years Serenity?". "Nothing dad don't worry about it" I said as I was fiddling with the locket around my neck. "Hey I haven't seen that thing in years" said my father. "What?" I asked with confusion. "You're locket Serenity, it was your mothers, I haven't seen it since you were born","Your mother always said it would be your family heirloom someday","Is that what was in the will dear?" "Yes" I said in a hard cold voice. He clearly didn't notice because he kept going on "I remember the first time I saw you're mother she was wearing that locket, it was at our highschool, and she also wore it on our first date, that's when she showed me the-". He cut off short, and that alarmed me "Dad is everything-"."Serenity what picture is inside of that locket"asked my father sounding a bit distant. "Up till now I didn't know it had one" I said.
I held the left side down until it opened with a click, and the pictures inside were beautiful. The first one was at the hospital in which I was born with my mother cradling me in her arms, the other was a picture was of me and mother, taken at my first and last birthday party with her when I turned 13.
I almost cried but I knew I had to keep it together, because I didn't want my dad to start asking questions. "Kiddo do you mind if I have a look?" I hesitated at first but then let him have a look. "Wow it's still as lovely as ever, huh the story this locket could tell"said my father. I didn't answer I wasn't really in the mood for small talk. The rest of the drive home was pure silence. I was imagining what my life would be like in 5 years from now, and if there was anyway to make time go any faster.

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