It would take a miracle, part 1

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Season 1 episode 1

Joan: (narration) (sigh) Okay I'm not exactly sure where to begin with this whole thing so let's just start with the basics, that's me.

(Joan runs over a hill stumbling as a giant blue fire ball falls from the sky and explodes behind her. She has spikey short blond hair, brown, eyes and is very short in stature. She's being chased by something unseen but extremely powerful.)

Joan: (Screams)

(She tumbles down the hill and skids to a halt on her side as small heated blue glowing rocks land around her and quickly cool down.)

Joan: (groaning)

(Joan rubs her head as an ominous blue glow sweeps over her. Joan's eyes widen, she scrambles to her feet and continues running.)

(Joan bangs on the currently dormant gray gauntlet covered in vain-like tubes, the gauntlet is seemingly fused to her right hand.)

Joan: Come on come on! What happened to that electric attack!?

(The veins in the gauntlet light up a neon pink and emit a soft glow.)

Joan: Yes!

(the gauntlet then zaps her with a bolt of pink electricity.)

Joan: YaahooW! oh, real fun-NY!

(Joan trips as she ineffectively scolds the gauntlet.)

Joan: (narration) My name is Joan Sweaters and this is quite possibly the worst...

(While on the ground Joan spots a large rock. She picks it up and hurls it hammer throw style at her attacker as she gets up and continues to run.)

Joan: (Groan/yell.)

(The rock flies towards a silhouetted floating figure. We see a silhouetted hand grab the rock in mid-air. A blue glow comes over the rock, blue smoke rises from the rock it slowly turns to blue molten lava. The lava hits the ground with a splat. The figure drops down all we see is the outline of dark black feet. It opens its mouth revealing jagged pointy teeth and lets out a sonic song in the form of blue sound waves.


(It hits Joan directly on her back and knocks her off her feet and sends her flying mid-air over the side of a hill in an embarrassing fashion as rocks and torn up earth fly with her.)

Joan: (Scream)

(Everything freezes.)

Joan: (narration) ...and somehow best day of my life.

(We look at Joan from different angles as she slowly flies.)

Joan: (Narration) Right now you might be asking how exactly did a 12-year-old late blooming middle schooler ended up with a hunk of metal with serious cooperation issues on her arm. Some kind of crazed fiery blue exploding whatever-the-heck it is on her tail, and say that this is also the best day of her life. Well I'll tell you right after I avoid getting blown to bits.

(We unfreeze and Joan lands tumbling head over heels before finally stopping on her feet. She stops for a minute; a look of surprise comes over her as she balances herself. She looks down at her feet shocked that she actually landed on them, before a half yell/ half laugh/ half roar sound reminds her of imminent death. She then continues running, she spots an old rusty metal barn in the distance and makes a break for it hoping it'll provide some protection. Behind her the figure reaches out it's long fingers which emit a glowing blue light, as Joan runs small rocks around her feet start to glow the same blue color and shake. One whizzes by Joan's head in a long blue streak like a small bullet, before being followed by the others.)

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