It would take a miracal Part 2

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Season 1 episode 2 

(We start in on the same image of the smoking creator.)

Joan: (narration) Okay so to recap. I had the worst day ever, my dreams get shattered into a million pieces, and a glowie thing falls out of the sky. And what do I do next?

(Joan grabs a Superman flash light. She opens the broken window, and climbs out of it.)

Joan: (yah probably not the best decision I very made (among others), but if action movies had taught me anything. It's that the glowier something is the more exciting, or was it the deadlier. Eh whatever I didn't care.

(Joan dangles from the second story window until dropping down and landing in some trash cans with a crash.)

Joan: Ow!

(She gets up and dusts herself. She turns on the light, and makes her way out toward the curator. Joan examines the environment as she gets closer giant rocks are up turned every, and everything is cast in a blue glow. She starts to slow as she moves toward the edge of the curator. She looks inside to see a glowing blue mangled figure lying tangled in its own limbs at the center.

Joan: what the...

(Joan shines the light on the figure slowly moving in up and down the body. She stops at what seems to be the head when suddenly the Eye snaps open. It is almost inhuman. The iris, retina, and pulpal all completely blue, lighter blue blood shot lines curve all over it. The hole eye is surrounded in thick dark black eyelashes and what looks like bad goth makeup.)

Joan: ECK!

(she turns off the light and scampers away. She hides behind one of the up turned rocks.)

Joan: (Rapid breathing.)

(She waits a minute before pecking out to look back at the creator. The horrible sound of bones cracking can be heard from inside. A long thin glowing arm reaches out and grips the dirt pulling up the rest of its body.)

Joan: holy flip, it's an alien a real live alien!

(The aliens head pecks out next, the neck is twisted causing the head to be in a position no head should ever be in. It opens its mouth to reveal a set of long gaged gleaming fangs soaked in what looked like black blood.)

Joan: No, it's not an alien, it's a vampire an undead vampire!

(The alien/vampire pulls its self all the way out it's body still half mangled. It doesn't even look like it should be standing. Joan gags at the disgusting site.)

Joan: (gagging sound.) ...or maybe a zombie?

(the Alien/vampire/zombie reaches up and snaps its head back into the right position with a sickening crack. We can only see a long shadow on the rock where Joan is hiding, of it doing the same thing to the rest of its body. Sliding bones back into place and snapping it's body parts into the correct position. Miraculously after everything is put back into the correct positons. the body just seems to heal its self. The flesh wounds close and fade away. With a shake of its head, a crack of its neck, and a roll it it's shoulders the creature is now perfectly fine. The creature looks around as it's glow starts to fade it make sure no one has seen it. Joan slips back behind to rock when it looks in her direction, before pecking out again. The creature then takes of running towards the woods, something like blue fire flairs up from its feet and hands. It hops at least 20 feet into the trees and diapers into the woods. Only a glowing blue light can be seen hopping around the tree tops. Into Finally the light zooms off into the air ripping up tree branches, and setting the top leaves onto fire as it takes off. It diapers into the night. Joan just stands there, mouth hanging open her brain unable to possess what she just saw.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2017 ⏰

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