Chapter 8: A Spanner in the Works

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I thought as leastwise, it would only be fit and proper to go to my uncle, Colum, and tell him as we would be leavin' for Lallybroch the next day.

He stood rigid on his bowed legs, a stern look opon his countenance.

My face reddened in embarrassment; he did nay seem happy wi' the news. I stammered, "I'm verra sorry, Uncle, but we must take our leave. Ye ken as Claire has been sorely abused by the MacKenzie lass, and I canna cause a rift in the family by accusin' her. And so it's come to this—I've decided to return to Lallybroch."

Frownin' at me, he said, "Ye're sayin' as ye'll be leavin' Leoch wi'out a Beaton?"

"If there was ana other way, but, aye, it canna be helped."

"I'll no allow it. Ye'll stay here, along wi' yer wife 'til I give ye my blessin' to leave. I'm certain as if ye talk to the lass' father, there'll be nay more o' this folderol."

"I mean ye no disrespect, Uncle, but I believe it would just stir op bad feelin's amongst the kin. I canna do it."

"Weel, now, that's op to ye, lad, but ye'll no be goin' to Lallybroch wi'out my say so."

"Can ye no find another Beaton?"

"Should I waste my time, searchin' the Highlands for a healer, when I already have one in my possession?" He pointed to the door, and brayed, "Now, get out o' my sight afore I send ye straightaway to the oubliette."


I stormed into the bedroom that night. "Whatever in the world is going on? Rupert followed me everywhere I went today. He even had the audacity to park himself outside the entrance to the surgery, as if I was a blasted prisoner."

"Och ... it seems as Colum has other ideas 'bout our travelin' to Lallybroch. He fears as he may ne'er come opon another skilled healer, such as yerself, ken? He canna risk losin' ye."

"So he's posting guards to see that we don't escape? Bloody hell, we'll be stuck here at the mercy of that lying little schemer."

"I expect so."


Weeks passed, and I was most annoyed by either some shadow—notably Rupert or Willie—following in my wake, or the fair-haired vixen giving me the evil eye as she passed by me. I was on edge every minute of those days, but truth be told, my persistent shadows deterred Laoghaire from entering my inner sanctum or harassing me in the hallways. I could put up with her sour looks at least. But then the day came when the sentries grew complacent, and then ultimately omitted their guard duties altogether.

Laoghaire didn't waste much time to continue her attacks on me, for on the second day, without my personal buffers, she deliberately bumped into me, a scornful mask of hate apparent on her face. I halted in my tracks. Eyeing her intensely, I said, "You know, Laoghaire, this constant belittling of me does not immure Jamie to you. In fact, it has had the opposite effect. It has alienated him to the point of despising you."

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