Blood drips from her wrists
So hot and red,
The drops of blood flow
So alive in the mirror
That it does not even seem like her owner
Is dying.
Alone in her room,
No one notices she is suffering.
The only look of consolation
Is that of your faithful cat
Who silently weeps and prays
For her to go to Heaven.
In the house people walk
Talk, laugh and watch television
And after she dies
Easy will forget her.
The only memory dear
Will be those little eyes
Of your dear friend,
Your kitten.The mirror cries tears of blood.
And she's falling asleep
It's all so far,
Slowly darkening
And getting so silent ...
The world is now a distant place.
When tomorrow they find
It will not advance any more, it will be all lost
And their tears are no good any more.
Night Thoughts
Paranormale"Blood drips from her wrists So hot and red," . . Story About A girl and her saddest night.. . Hope You'll like it.. it's my first work.. read it please 💜🙏