Getting the Key

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My father nods slightly before poking the top of the pokeball, "This is yours now," he says smiling and walking back to the kitchen, his furret following. I watch the two for a moment and press the center of the pokeball, the small Pokemon coming out with a bark.
"DAD WHAT KIND OF POKEMON IS THIS," I yell cupping my hands around my mouth. He walks out And taps his chin before a spark lights in the Kitchen making him run back. "Dad, you know you can't cook," I say sighing. He calms the fire down and looks out again. "For one, that's a Zoura, Secondly, Shush," he says running back at another. I cover my mouth trying not to laugh, the Zoura staring up at me. I glance at it and reach down to pat it's head, It flinches but doesn't back away this time. "Ready to go," I ask the Zoura, it slightly tilting it's head before jumping excitedly. I Laugh a bit before walking towards the door and opening it.
"I'M GOING DAD," I yell looking over slightly. He sticks his hand out from inside the Kitchen and slightly waves, he was probably to buissy to say bye or even look. I walk out with Zoura and close the door behind me, Zoura hesitantly staring at the world. I lower myself and pat Zoura again, it flinching. "Lets get an island badge so we can do the island challenge, just me and you," I say, Zouras eyes sparkle and it nods, slightly understanding.
If you don't know what The island challenge is, it's like running around to guns except there are trials, you must complete a certain task to win a Z Crystal Wich you can use for Z moves.
We walk down the dirt path, Living on Poni island is pretty hard with all the wildlife around you.
"Hapu-?," I yell slightly, while zoura played with the grass. "She's not over here buddy," I say sighing slightly and continuing to walk, Zoura getting up and immediatley following me.
We walk for about 15 minutes before seeing a Mudsdale. Found her. I walk over and try not to be trampled by her Mudsdale. It whinnies and bucks a bit before calming down. Hapu walks from behind Mudsdale slightly smiling. "Hello Alex," she says walking infront if me "Did you need me?".
I nod and pick up Zoura, "We want to start the island challenge," I say nervously before looking up and relaxing. "If-" I was interrupted by Hapu, "Alright, I can help you," she says nodding and hopping on Mudsdales back, her hand patting neck. "Follow me," she says having Mudsdale walk, I pace beside it. Zoura looks up at me and leaps on my bag making me stumble. It laughs in its Zoura way and then Lays down making me sigh. I shrug and look at Hapu. "Where are we going," I question, looking at Mudsdales Mane. "My house, I have all the supplies," she says smiling and stopping intent of a building. It was only a single story but it was very long and wide for a house. I stare for a moment before Zoura lets out a high pitch yawn, it's little tail slightly flicking. I follow Hapu, she walks to the door and opens it, her boots leaving marks on the floor as she walks in. I follow her and she walks into a 'somewhat' Storage room.
I look at the Z crystals and smile, tapping my arm slightly. A dark sparkle catches my eye and I look over, reaching in Instinctualy. I pull out a crystal with a dark color and darker markings in the front of the Crystal. Zoura clambers on my shoulder and stares, before reaching out to touch it. Hapu snatches the Crystal and my attention breaks, making me look up. "Dont touch that," she says putting it away quickly, Zoura flinching. I sigh and glance at the closet "Why," I say raising an eyebrow. "It's not to be messed with," she says sweat dropping and sighing slightly. I look at Zoura, who is still staring at the closet, as though it felt attached to the circle Crystal with the dark Dna markings on it. Zouras attention breaks and it looks over at Hapu, as though it where begging for the stone. "Maybe when your evolved Zoura," she says frowning and shaking her head.
Zoura barks and slides inside my backpack, it's little fluffy tail sticking out of my backpack.
"Anyways I found a Z-Ring and a Island charm, here," she says pressing them in my hands. I slip the Charm on the side of my backpack and put on the Z-ring. I smile feeling like a true trainer "Thank you Hapu," I say smiling again, Hapu shrugs "No biggy, I love helping," she says.
I walk outside, the sunlight almost blinding. Zoura climbs out I my backpack and barks, it's paw ontop of my head. I flinch slightly and it laughs.
We stare into the distance, knowing our journey had just begun

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2017 ⏰

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