Chapter 8 - He Finally Knows

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I can trust him and remove my arm full of bracelets revealing more and more scars...

Brad runs his hands over some fresh cuts, I flinch away in pain.

'Oh baby, I'm so sorry! But I can't help but ask why?' he said looking at me with those heart melting eyes of his.

I stay silent thinking of how to tell him.

'I understand if you don't want to tell me but you know you can trust me with anything' he said rubbing my arm with his soft hands

'I-I've... I'm... I used to get bullied, at school... And now, its still happening but, it's...' I just broke down and cried my heart out into Brad's bare chest. He held me tightly to comfort me then I finally buck up the courage to tell him.

'Brad, I'm being cyber bullied' that's when I couldn't stop crying. Brad didn't say anything which I'm actually glad about, he just cuddled me until I finally has no more tears left to cry.

I looked up to Brad and he looked like he was thinking.

'I'm so sorry Brad, I didn't mean to get you into this. I understand if you don't want to stay here anymore, or even know me anym-' I was it off by his lips onto mine.

This wasn't an ordinary kiss, this was more passionate, more... meaningful. He kissed me like it was going to be the last kiss he will ever have, he kissed me like he... He loves me.

He slowly broke the kiss and looked into my eyes. 'I want to help you, I will be by your side every step of the way to help you get through this. Together, we can make it stop, we can help you stop and everything will be fine' his words were full of meaning and I knew that he meant it from the bottom of his heart.

'Here' he said, he took half of my bracelets off and half of his, then he put his half on my wrist and mine on his.

'See, now we're half and half. Now you know that I will always be with you even if I'm not technically here, you have my bracelets to remind you that I will only be a phone call away. Now half of your pain has been taken away and we can help take away the other half together'

That is the sweetest thing that anyone has ever said or done for me. It made me think about things differently, maybe I can stop? Maybe the pain will go away?...


It's been a week since Brad found out about me self harming and I'm glad he now knows as it has brought us closer. We aren't officially a 'couple' but we do act like it. The others always refer to us as Bramber, yes, they made up a ship name for us.

I've been a lot happier since the boys came into my life, everyone has helped me with my bullying problem and it has started to slowly stop. It hasn't completely stopped yet but it is no where near as bad as it was.

When I'm not with Brad i feel like a lost puppy, he seriously is my other half but he is always texting me or Skype-ing me so I'm never completely alone.

I've been here for 2 weeks now, only 2 more weeks left before I have to leave and go home back to Leicester. I haven't told them yet and to be honest, I don't want to.

For the past week I have constantly been with the boys and me and Brad haven't really had much 'alone time'. Brad asked they boys if it is okay for us to spend the day together alone and the happily agreed. Thy are always so understanding.

Brad is picking me up in about 2 hours so I guess I better start getting ready. First things first, I need a shower. I quickly hop in the shower, washing my hair, body and face before shaving my legs and arms and... Other places you don't need to know. Afterwards I blow dry my hair and it was slightly curly towards the ends so I guess I will just leave it like that.

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