Chapter 15 - My Best Friend

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'Brad?...' I barely whispered to see if he had fallen asleep yet or not

'Hmm?' he replied with his eyes still closed

'Oh, sorry, I was just seeing if you were awake or not...' I trailed off feeling guilty for disturbing him

'Amber what's wrong? If you want to talk, I don't mind!' he said looking down at me and gently stroking my hair which sent shivers down my spine

'I'm just processing everything that's happened, my mum having breast cancer and then our little miss understanding. I just think so much has happened in so little time, it's just so overwhelming! Everything has just hit me like a ton of bricks and it's hard for me to take it all in...' I felt my eyes start to tear up, this is too much for me to handle

'Amber, you're doing just fine! I will be right here with you for every step of the way! If you ever need me, I'll be there no matter what time it is or where you are, I'll find a way to get there! Don't ever forget that!' he said kissing my head with his soft warm lips causing a giggle to escape my mouth

He kissed me again on my lips this time and another unexpected giggle escaped my mouth, he kissed me again, what's with all the kisses?

'When you giggle, you look too cute so I have come to the conclusion that I'm going to kiss you every time you giggle!' Brad smiled which of course, made me giggle causing him to kiss me for a third time!

His kissed kept making me giggle but after the 12th kiss I finally managed to hold in my laughter.

'You stopped giggling' Brad said with a playful pout on his face

'Well then, you'll have to find something else to make me giggle!' as soon as those words left my mouth, I instantly regretted it

Brad straddled me on the bed whilst I was still laying down and tickled every inch of my body causing me to go into fits of laughter. More laughter meant more kissing! Which I'm not complaining about!

'Please... Brad... Stop!' I said between giggles and a few hiccups!

'Fine but only if I can keep doing this' he said in his raspy voice as he leaned in and locked his lips with mine. He placed his soft hands gently on my hips as mine found their way to his neck. I couldn't resist lightly tugging at his curls which made him smile into the kiss and lightly groan. His slides his hands under my (well his shirt that I was borrowing) and reset them on my bare hips. I felt his tongue slide across my bottom lip asking for entrance which I granted.

After a good few minutes of making out, my phone started to ring.

I pulled away from the kiss to search for my phone in the floor.

'Sorry about this' I lightly giggled

'Its alright, it could be important'

'It better be since it's 1:30 in the morning!' I replied finally grabbing the phone. Without looking at the caller ID I answered the phone

'Hello?' I answered

'Amber, thank god you're awake!' the voice on the end of the line said. I think it was my dad, and he sounded scared, sad and worried all at the same time... What's going on?

'Dad? Are you okay? What's happened?' I answered quickly, I'm really starting to panic...

'Its your mum, she's been rushed into hospital, she's really bad Amber, REALLY bad...'

Holy. Shit. Motherfudging crap balls bastard bollocks fuck face.

'Ill be there as soon as I can' I said and hung up the phone quickly.

I started to rush around looking for my ripped skirt and top franticly.

'Amber calm down, what's going on?' Brad asked putting his hand on my shoulder to keep me steady. My eyes are glossy and my vision is blurry, I'm trying my hardest not to cry right now...

'Mum has been rushed into hospital and dads panicking and I need to be there and I need to get my clothes even though my skirt is ripped and I need a ride there and I'm just so worried Brad, I'm so scared...' I said in one breath, collapsing into tears on the floor. Brad kneeled down beside me and wrapped his arms around my little body.

'Shhh, just try to calm down. You can wear some of my joggers and a hoodie, I can give you a ride to the hospital and I will be right beside you all the way there.' He said softly whilst stroking my hair.

I finally found the energy to stand up, I walked into the bathroom to wash off my make up and put my hair up into a messy bun. When I walked back into his room, he was dressed and he had laid out some navy joggers and a big black hoodie. I didn't care if he saw me change right now so I just stripped and put his clothes on.

'Brad...' I sniffed 'I don't have any shoes..' I continued

'I'll carry you to the car' Brad gave me a reassuring smile, at first I thought he was joking but then he picked me up bridal style and literally carried me to the car!

He settled me down and shut the car door for me, within seconds Brad was speeding down the motorway to get to the hospital as quick as possible!

I hope mums okay... What if she isn't? Maybe I won't even recognise her... What if she is having an operation as we speak? Maybe she's lost her memory... What if her breast cancer has gotten worse? Stop thinking like this Amber! You're scaring yourself...


After 15 minutes of speeding down every road we went down we finally pulled into the hospital car park. It was spine tinglingly cold, the sky was pitch black and there were only about 6 or 7 other cars in the car park.

I got out of the car as quickly as I can and stepped onto the cold damp floor with my bare feet. I saw Brad jog round to me and he picked me up again to carry me to the entrance of the hospital.

When the doors slid open I took a step onto the icy cold tiles of the hospital. I've always hated hospitals, ever since I was a little girl. When I was 5 my grandma died in a hospital and ever since, they have just creeped me out.

I power walked over to the receptionist who was tapping away on a computer completely oblivious to her surroundings.

'Excuse me, but could you please tell me where Sarah Lovegrove is staying?' I asked hoping everything is okay, my stress levels right now are so high even someone on heroin would seem low!

She glanced up at me and back at her computer before typing something else. He looked back up at me and handed me a slip of paper showing a map of a hospital with a circle around a ward.

'She's in the emergency ward B, room 306' she said in a very annoying nasal voice.

'Thank you!' I replied quickly whilst practically running to find the room mum was in.

'Look, there's a lift and it says she's on the 3rd floor' Brad said pointing to the map and then to the lift.

'What would I do with out you Brad?' I asked rhetorically giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

We made our way over to the lift, waiting for it to get to the ground floor. Luckily, when the doors opened no one else was in there so we could quickly press the button for the 3rd floor. I must have pressed that button about 30 times, I know it doesn't make anything go any faster but it made it seem quicker!

The lift went up painfully slow but when we finally reached the 3rd floor Brad grabbed my hand and dragged me to emergency ward B, room 306...


Sorry for the short rubbish chapter! I haven't update in a while and I'm sorry! :-(

As usual please vote and leave a comment! If you can't comment because of whatever reason then follow me on twitter and tweet/DM me, I do follow back!

So my twitter is @amberlillie2000

And my Instagram @amber_is_an_awkward_turtle

Thank you guys! Love you all!

If you have any problems then honestly just message me because I'm always here no matter what beautiful! Stay strong! X

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