I. Need. Sleep.

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Zane's POV:

"I CAN'T TAKE TIS ANYMORE!!!!" I under reacted.

We Have Been Searching This Place For Hours AND WE STILL HAVEN'T FOUND THE BEDROOMS!!!!

And we've only covered Two of the floors!

"Calm down Zane-Kun! Don't be a baby!" Kawaii-Chan said as she ran down the GIGANTIC stairs, "After all, you've only searched one floor."

Did I forget to mention that we split up to cover more ground?

"Grrrrr! Fine! Any luck?" I gave in,

Kawaii-Chan let out a disappointed sigh, "Karaoke room, Ice cream room, suffed animal room, A portal that takes you to other dimensions, Mood lit pools, bumper cars, A NERF war, A room with a creepy star surrounded by candles and Still no bedrooms!"

"Are you sure you checked everywhere?" I asked,

"Only one room left. You can come with me if you want."

I did.

She led me up to the second floor and led me down a hall which had about 15 opened doors most of which led to bright colourful rooms. She stopped in front of the only closed door which she insisted that I opened. cautious, I inched my hand towards the door nob.

"Come on Zane-Kun! Don't be a Baby! AGAIN!" WHY DID THAT SOUND SO FAMILIAR?! 

"I'm gonna do it, just give me a moment!"

I opened the door. Lights blared! A giant disco ball shone. and the big screen on one of the walls blared to life,

"Welcome to; Just Dance! Please select your song!" The Giant speakers screamed.

"OMI!" Kawaii-Chan well... Kawaii-Chaned  as she viewed the song list,"These are all my faves! Half of these aren't even in the store bought version!"

"They must have recorded them just for this room." I guessed.

"Wow! That's so nice of them!"

"Yeah, but it's still not bedrooms," I pointed out.

3 hours later aka, midnight

"Hey Zane-Senpii, Look what I found," Kawaii-Chan said, drunk with tiredness,"I found the bedroom."

"Yeah, yay! You done good kiwa-chin!" Is what I believe I said.

We limped into the room and didn't notice that there was only one, double, bed.

"Wow it's rly Hot in here," KC Mumbled,

"Yeah. sure iz! how bout we cool down, den gotta sleep?" 

"nya." Kawaii-Chan nodded in agreement, pulling off one of her socks.

Oooooooooooh! Bet ya can't wait to see how they react in the morning! Well to bad! i'ma leave it there for today! (you just read 380 words)

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