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           Turns out, what Namjoon meant by a few others from work was him, Hoseok from marketing, Fei from editorial, and the new guy Taehyung. A drink is automatically shoved at her (by Namjoon, she assumes) when she arrives at the small booth they've occupied. Fei and Hoseok, who Suhwa knows briefly because they're close with Namjoon, greets her a warm hello. The reluctance of having their boss join in their after work-hours is evident in their expressions at first. But both Hoseok and Fei seem to be comfortable with Suhwa's presence. She downs the drink in mere seconds and passes the glass back to Namjoon, who gives her a rather surprised look as his eyes trail down to her neck. Whatever he notices, he brushes it off.

"Am I glad to see you here," Fei—who is seated beside Hoseok— sloppily extends her arm to grab hold of hers with pleading eyes. Judging from antics, Suhwa decides the girl is already halfway to getting wasted. "Please remind me to never agree to go drinking with three males ever again. They've been talking about... stuff for the past hour and I honestly feel violated."

Namjoon and Hoseok continue on bickering as Suhwa subtly finishes everyone's drinks. The best thing about arriving late whenever your friends invite you out to drink is that their already half wasted when you get there. Therefore, everyone's mostly preoccupied to notice her stealing their drinks.

"Are they always like this?" Taehyung's eyes are bewildered as he watches the two males bicker without a second's rest. Suhwa doesn't bother paying attention

"Only when alcohol's involved."

"Tell him Taehyung! Tell him he's being dumb by saying that the chicken is the one that came first," Hoseok yells, all gestures and agitation. Suhwa feels bad for Fei, who has to cover her ears because Hoseok is screaming. All she can do is sip on her drink as she watches everything unfold.

"Did you just call Kim fucking Namjoon fucking dumb?" Namjoon says, bewildered, "I think we both know who's the dumb one here."

"Please, just because you have an IQ of 141 doesn't mean you know shit."

"Boy if you don't—"

With the help of the loud music, Suhwa is able to tune their banter out. But even in a place as hectic as this, Suhwa can't really tune her thoughts out. Yoongi's face flashes through her eyes as the liquor goes down her throat. Suhwa feels guilty. Guilty for leaving him alone at home like that, for not bothering to ask if he wanted to come (but she didn't want to wake him up).

Suhwa wishes is for Namjoon to stop being a klutz, because the next thing she knows is that her friend's arms are everywhere. The argument got heated without her knowing and Namjoon's gestures are too all over the place that his hand knocks over a drink, the liquid spilling all over her skirt (her expensive one).

"Shit! Sorry. I'll help—"

"It's fine, Namjoon." Suhwa sighs and stands up. She examines the damp fabric and sighs. To top it all off, the booze didn't just soak her skirt, it got on her thighs too. "You've done enough. Just get someone to clean the table. I'll be right back."

The girl's bathroom smells like pot.

She sits on the sink, muttering to herself about how much this sucks and how she should never go out drinking again as she wipes her skirt with tissues. The clothing is damp, sticky, and uncomfortable, but it's not like she goes around bringing spare pants wherever she goes. And she reeks of booze now. Not just reeks, it's like she woke up this morning and decided to spray on cheap alcohol as a perfume. She's sure that anyone within a few feet radius could tell that she had a long night at the bar. Yoongi's probably going to notice, and then she'd have to explain how she left him home alone to go out drinking with her co-workers.

Without even telling him.

At least her skirt is black, it would be a pain in the ass if she'd have to remove a stain, too.

She stops drying herself and leans back, suddenly exhausted again from today's activities. She has drunk around five of her friend's glasses, yet she's nowhere near tipsy. Guess it's both a good thing and a bad thing to be able to handle her liquor really well. The bathroom door opens and a familiar male head peeks in slightly.

"Namjoon wanted me to check on you since you've been here for a while. He'd do it himself, but he doesn't have the guts to go into the girl's bathroom." Taehyung steps into the room without a hesitance.

"And I guess this says that you do?"

The boy merely shrugs. "I guess. He's sorry, by the way. For spilling the drink all over your skirt."

"He's drunk."

"Do you need any help, uh, Chief?"

"I think I can clean a skirt on my own. Thanks though. And you can call me Suhwa outside of work hours."

"Okay. Suhwa," Taehyung mumbles like he's unsure if it would be proper to address her without her title.

He stays and waits as she wipes her skirt with a tissue, sees him leaning on the wall with his arms cross when Suhwa lifts her eyes up and looks at the mirror. Something about the dim bathroom light makes him look older than she thought he was. The tired lines of his features she hadn't noticed before are suddenly there, and there's a sense of maturity in his eyes that tells her he's gone through and seen enough of the worst. And it hits her now that she knows nothing about him. Doesn't know his history, who he is, and if he's even fit for the job at the magazine. She had put all her trust in Namjoon to get her a new employee without really thinking much of it.

Taehyung manages to catch her eye in the mirror, so Suhwa looks down at the sink and hopes that Yoongi didn't leave any visible marks on her skin. Suhwa likes how nonchalant he seems, standing there and not worrying about someone coming in. Wonders if he has had reasons to sneak into a girl's bathroom before and the only reason why he's so okay with it is because he's done it enough times to be used to it.

"Do you know how misleading it'll look if someone sees us walking out together?" Suhwa disposes of the tissue in the trash bin. 

"Good thing your husband's not here to see it then." Like the gentlemen she didn't expect him to be, Taehyung holds the door open for her and lets her walk out first. But instead of going back to their table, Suhwa heads for the exit.

"You're leaving already?" Taehyung calls out, looking rather disappointed. "Not even gonna pay for drinks?"

"I pay your bills. It's only fair."

"Are you sober enough to drive?"

His concern makes the corners of her lips quirk up. "I'm fine, Taehyung. You have a good night, okay?"

The girl leaves the suffocating bar with a sigh of relief. She doesn't even care about her wet skirt anymore, or how the water that seeped through the fabric is making her thighs feel damp and sticky. Being in the confines of her car again with windows down and letting the breeze tickle her flushed cheeks relaxes her. The radio plays a dramatic break-up ballad that she can't relate to, so she turns it off instead and makes herself comfortable in the silence. Realizes that her ring finger has been naked the whole time but decides that she's at all bothered by it.

Suhwa takes the long route home. 

i love suhwa she really goes out drinking a few hours after sex wow girl crush! hate this chapter but i wanted to update so yEEEEEEEEE

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