Will you......

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Serenity's pov

I am getting ready for tonight because Garroth wanted to see me. I wear something nice but casual. Once I am done I walk to the forest to the place Garroth and I met. When I am there I see Garroth. "Hi Garroth," I say. "Hello Serenity," he says. "Why did you want to meet me here," I ask? "Because I wanted to spend the evening with you," he says. "Ok," I say. "Please sit down here Serenity," he says while he points to a blanket. "Ok," I say and walk over to sit down there. "So.... how was your talk with Athena today," he ask while he sits down next to me? "Good. I have something to tell you though," I say. "Really what is it," he ask looking at me? "I'm....... I'm.......... pregnant with your child Garroth," I say. "R-R-Really thats great I always wanted to be a father," he says joyfully. "Good to know. Athena told me to tell you," I say.
After the date
"Let's go home Garroth," I say and get up. "Wait," he says. "Yes," I say while turning around. I see Garroth kneeling to the ground and pulls out a little black box. "Serenity Hope Waters the day I first met you you saved me and I stared falling in love with you. The more time I spent with you the more I loved you. I love everything about you. I love it when you are happy and I hate it when your sad. I wish to wake up every morning to see you. I wish to make you happy. I wish to love you even when were ghosts but will you let me make you happy. Will you make me the happiest man and marry me," he ask while opening the box with a ring inside the ring had a diamond in the middle with sapphires around the ring while a golden heart is attached to the ring.

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I was stuck in shock. "Yes. Garroth.....YES," I shout and jump into his arms to kiss him. He puts the ring on my finger. "I am glad you said yes," he says. "Doesn't that mean you have to move in with me Garroth," I asked? "Wait why can't you move in with me," he asks? "Because you live in a guard tower along with Laurance and Dante," I say. "Oh yeah. Yes that means I have to move in with you," he says. "Yay," I say like a child.

422 words. Sorry I didn't post I hurt my hands. I am going to tell you how. I was in school on Tuesday and I had P.E. so I had to run or walk two laps along with my classmates. I run and trip over my own feet and scrap my hands on the concrete. After I finished that lap I asked to go to the nurses office. My hands were stinging and burning and when I moved my hands barely they hurt more so that is why I didn't post for a while because my hands would hurt if I did. Some of you might not believe me but I don't care.

Goodbye, friends.


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