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African marigold flower is know for its symbolism of a vulgar mind.

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Grandma fished up in the shop and closed up early, while I was still working on unpacking all my things, so she put some tea on and waited by the window, while idlily chit-chatting with me.

"I open the shop at 8:30 and close at 5:30, Monday to Saturday, with the exception of Wednesday -that's when me and the girls go out to lunch and shopping. I'll have to introduce them to you, they're some of the other old ladies that live around here. You'd like them Beatrix." Grandma explained warmly as she worked on the scarf she's currently knitting.

I tuck a pair of pajamas into the top drawer on my dresser. "Please, call me Bex. It's less stuffy than Beatrix."

"Bex." She tests the name on her tongue. "I like that. Very unique!"

I giggle lightly. "Thanks Grandma."

"Oh, and of course you don't have to worry about the shop when you're at school, I'll make do while you're away. And don't think you'll be able to use the shop as an excuse to not do your homework, we close with plenty of time left for you to work on it." She goes off on a tangent, still making sure to act like a grandma and nag me about a school I haven't even enrolled in.

"I wouldn't dream of it." I wink at her and she scoffs. "What school am I going to anyways?"

"Hollingsworth Highschool. It's a lovely school down the street a little way, it's a 15-minute ride by subway." She explains.

"Subway?" I stare at her with wide eyes.

By no means, am I even remotely accustom to subways. I've seen them in movies and shows, but I've never actually step foot on one, and I think I'd get lost in a matter of seconds if I ever do.

Grandma sighs when she takes note of the reservation on my face. "I can drive you for the first week so you don't get lost, but after that it's either taxi cabs or subways for you."

I nod.

Taxi cabs it is.

"So, how has the shop been recently? I worked at the branch in Venice for a few summers, but I don't know just how much I can handle." I change the subject back to Sunshine's, not wanting to think any more about school.

"Oh, it gets pretty busy in the afternoons every now and then, when the weather is nice -much like today. And if I'm in a real tizzy, I just ask the nice young man from next door to help me out. He's been a real help for the past few months, I should introduce you two. He's quite the looker, if I do say so myself." She finishes with a smirk, as she moves onto the next row of her scarf.

I raise a brow.

There's another hot guy on the street, and a kind one at that?

Man, maybe I'm in a better place than I thought.

"Although he can look a little standoffish and scary with all those tattoos and piercings, but he's got a very gentle soul... He reminds me so much of your Grandpa back when we were in our prime..." Grandma speaks in a dreamy tone, and I'm left standing still with my mouth wide open.

The 'sweet and gentle soul' is that sketchy guy from the tattoo parlor?!

That just doesn't make any sense. No cover is that far off from what the book is really about.

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