Yes kids should have an alowence because if parents dont want to buy what the kid wants they can earn the money to buy it and do chores not just sit around texting,calling,being on the computor,hanging out with friends,Nor' doing whatever they want to do they should have alowences to help the parents see how mature and responsible they are and to see if they can safe their money from their alowences!
No kids should not have an alowence because the parents are still paying for something the kid wants and also because they might lie and say they want something to get something diffrent that their parents dont want them having but the parents shouldnt give them alowences because they might not do their chores and lie saying they did and have someone else do them just so they can get the money so in a way parents's kids might be making up lies just to get what they want!
So that concludes it for now on should kids get!
thank you for reading and have a Wonderful day Bye!