Chapter 2

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I was usually called the 'smart girl'. I was quiet but when I did open my mouth, whatever the question, I had the right answer. But I feel pretty much the opposite now. I know I can annoy the hell out of people by talking for hours. Smart? No, I wouldn't say that. To put it simply, I am pretty stupid. Sometimes I get 'brilliant' ideas that lead me to embarrassing situations. And that's what I was doing right now.

What are you doing? You still have your good reputation. Your life is still good. Why are you doing this to yourself??
I was walking up to the black-haired guy. Even though I knew I was doing something stupid, I kept walking. Great, Hye-Yeon.

I approached the table he was sitting at and stood in front of him for a few seconds before I pulled a chair to sit on. He lifted his head and looked at me surprised.

"What are you doing?" he asked and took his headphones off. He looked annoyed.

"Emh...hii" What a great plan. Now I'm making a complete idiot out of myself. I don't know what to say!!
"Do you like M-m..." Don't ask 'do you like Messi', do NOT ask 'do you like Messi'. Come on please, don't ask...
"...m-music?" I finally asked with a tense smile. I was sweating. Okay, you're still alive. Thank God you didn't ask that question. Music is a good topic, isn't it?

" Umh I'm sorry, who are you and why are you at my table?" the guy asked.

Apparently, my brain decided to die at that moment. I continued to talk without any logic.
"I really like your Converse. Oh look, we have chosen the same color, too! By the way, what's your name?" I asked enthusiastically.

The guy looked like he was going to explode any moment. Brain, come on, wake up. Don't you see he's really annoyed. By the way, why is he so annoyed? He's expression is so cold, tsk.

The guy thought he'd get rid of me, the annoying girl, if he told me what I wanted to hear.
"My name is Suga", the guy sighed and looked at me as if he was waiting for something.
"Now, can you leave? I'm busy", he said looking at his Rolex.

"Ohh! Your name is so sweet!" Hye-yeon giggled.


How annoying can someone be? When is she going to leave? Why did she come to me in the first place?!

I noticed the girl but all I could see was her mouth moving non stop. She was mumbling. I was pretty ready to call the staff to remove this thing from my table, but I didn't. Maybe she was one of the fangirls I had in high school. She didn't look familiar, though.

"Can you please leave?" I cut her off. I was ready to see her blush and get tears in her eyes, but I was shocked when she answered me and didn't even move a finger to leave the table.

"Tsk. You shouldn't be so cold" she said shaking her head. She looked displeased.

I looked around to see if someone could help me out but people were too concentrated in their own stuff to see me and my problem. They probably didn't even know that I had a problem. They would look at me weirdly if I asked the staff to take this annoying girl away from me.

"By the way, I really like your hair! Where did you get it done?" she asked curiously.

My God, now she was talking about my hair. At this rate, she will cover every topic on this planet before leaving me be. That's it. This is the last time I'll go to a cafe to work. I should have stayed at home like usually. What was I thinking when I decided to come to a cafe??

I got enough of her blabbering. I saved my work and closed my laptop. I unplugged my earphones from the laptop but left them on my neck. Only when I stood up, the girl stopped talking. Finally. Since when have I appreciated silence this much? Oh, actually I've always appreciated it.

"Wait, where are you going?" she asked surprised. "I thought you were enjoying my company."

I gave a small sarcastic laugh. "Quite the opposite", I said and turned around.
Tsk. Should've left earlier, I thought as I walked toward the door.

Suddenly, I heard noise behind me. At first, I thought I'd continue to walk to the door, but then, out of curiosity, I turned around. It was such a funny view.

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Hye-yeon tried to stand up when she saw Suga leave. Unfortunately, she ended up tripping on the table's leg, after which she was lying on the floor with her hair messily on her face. Hye-yeon was quietly happy for not deciding to cut her hair short, because now the length became handy. Her hair covered her face that had turned burning red. Why was it so hot suddenly?

Her one leg was pointing up to the sky and the other was tangled with the table's leg.
She felt her face get more red as she saw under her hair how people gathered around her.

Please, please PLEASE say the cold-hearted guy already left, Hye-yeon was hoping to herself.
But then she forgot about the guy as she got annoyed with herself being still on the floor.
"Thank you so much for helping me get up", she murmured to people around her and forced a fake smile.

"No worries, I am totally fine", she said with a bright smile on her face. As if anyone cares. Why did I have to embarrass myself like this?! With my luck somebody took a photo and this will be in a magazine.

Hye-yeon wanted to bang her head in the wall when she saw Suga standing and laughing at her with a malicious look in his eyes.
Tsk, this guy...should've never talked to him.

"Ju-yeon, we should go now!" Hye-yeon called her sister. But Ju-yeon didn't respond. She was holding a handbag in front of her face. Hye-yeon walked to her sister while everyone was still looking.
"Are you coming or not?" she asked Ju-yeon.

"I'm sorry, who are you? I don't think I know you", Ju-yeon said smiling apologetically.

"You, you...are you really-" Hye-yeon was cut off by her sister dashing out of the cafe.

Hye-yeon looked around and gave a fake smile to people staring at her.
Why is my life like this? Ju-yeon...this girl, I'll never forgiver her, Hye-yeon thought while stepping out of the cafe and trying to hide her embarrassment. And why did that guy have to see my most embarrassing moment? Well, luckily I'm not going to see him anymore, Hye-yeon shrugged and walked out to the street.

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