A regular day

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Hello readers this is a new fanfic I wrote obviously about Riverdales own redhead one and only Cheryl Blossom I hope you enjoy. Oh and sorry about any mistakes 😊

You and Cheryl were laying in her queen sized bed cuddling with her having her head Kong your chest right above your heart.

You weren't talking, you were just laying there appreciating each others company and warmth something you two did a lot .and you loved it , not caring for anything just being there with her made you feel complete and happy in a way that no one else could ever make you feel and you knew that's how she felt as well.

She didn't have to tell you that , no ,you could see it in the way she looked at and smiled at you .
The love and happiness were in her eyes and that was speaking louder than any language ever could .You could feel it in the way she smiled in the middle of your kisses or in the way she was holding you so close like she was afraid to ever loose you .

You two have always had that kind of relationship where words weren't needed because the eyes and actions were speaking instead. You both have always cherished these moments where you were alone just holding each other without a care for the world . Cheryl turned her head and looked into your eyes with her beautiful brown ones and giggled before asking "why are you smiling like that ?" she said with wonder in her voice "I'm just happy to be here with you in my arms "you said with a big smile on your face , it seemed like you could never contain yourself around her , not that you wanted to but when it came to cheryl you always had love and adoration written over your very existence and everyone could tell ...again not that cared . You never in your time with Cheryl tried hiding your feelings for her and you never would. Cheryl scouted closer to your face and kissed you "I'm happy to be in your arms too baby " the redhead said with a smile that never left her face and the adoration that never left her eyes when she was with you .

She never understood how one person could smash down the walls she had put herself around her by just being who they were but she never hated the fact that you did , and she was thankful that you did because you are the piece that needed to mend her beautiful but broken heart ."I'm so lucky to have you in my life " you said without knowing that in a little while you wouldn't have her .

Loving her has always been red 》Cheryl Blossom Where stories live. Discover now