Ink Blooded

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Chapter 1

Reaching, they were all reaching for me as I lay there frozen. They dragged their half bodies through the dirt towards me. They made awful moaning sounds, but plastered on every face of a grin that was too big to be real…

I woke up covered in sweat, the dream that I had had every night for several years quickly receding. I sat shivering for a minute before I got out of my warm bed. My bare feet made barley any sound on the cold floor as I walked over to the balcony door pulling it open I take a breath of the New York air, it may not be good for me, but it the air of the only home I’ve ever known.

I pulled my blond hair back in a rubber band. Surveying my city below, where cars are still stuck in traffic even before the sun rises. Today below my window there is my elderly neighbor, Greta, and her grandson, Hansye. I called down a hello, and they respond with a wave, and a good morning. I watched everyone else on the streets below, but the brisk morning air quickly forced me inside. Shutting the balcony door with a creak I walked across the cold floor into the kitchen, where I microwave some milk and make hot chocolate. After a scalding sip I glanced around the kitchen it was a mess as usual. I lived alone in this two room apartment, while my parents are traveling over the summer… and when they’re not. After I finished my hot chocolate I go back to my room where the sun is just starting to peek through the curtains. I might as well get dressed.

I threw open the doors of the wardrobe, which were bigger than me. I pulled out an outfit at random. It’s of course cute being, white jean shorts and a spring green loose tank. I grab my messenger bag and head towards the door of my apartment. I get stopped half way there by my kitten, Rosie’s, squeals from the top of the refrigerator, and my cat, Ivy’s smug look. I set Rosie in her cage where Ivy can’t get and then head out the front door into the loud hall. The elevator is out of order… again. So I’m forced to walk down the 7 flights of stairs to the front lobby.

“Good Morning, Miss Waller,” The boy behind the front desk said.

“Good morning, Mr. Jones,”

“How times must I tell you call me John,” He replied

“And how many times do I have to tell you, it’s Savanna.” I said back.

“Good day then, Savanna,

“Good day, John.” I then walked out the door almost running into the man walking by.

“I’m so sorry I-” Start then I see his face. It mottled gray and seems to be peeling off his skull. I screamed, like any girl would. The man reached out a hand toward me and I stumble back falling over my heeled shoes. The man, no creature slowly walked towards me his hand stretched out he opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, but only blood came out. Then I heard his voice as it slowly gains volume, he said three words

Ambrosia has returned,

Over and over I heard it then I realized he’s not making any noise he’s talking straight into my head! I watched as he slowly comes towards me wondering why he hasn’t reached me already when he stops fall down and disappears, what looks like ink splashes to the pavement, but the second before it looked like a spear.

Then I see a girl running towards me there is black ink running down her arm or maybe its blood.

“Are you alright?” she asked helping me to my feet, concern in her dark eyes.

“I think so, are you?” I said, but on the inside I was still screaming, I was anything, but okay. She looks at her arm then draw a symbol on the ink suddenly is gone. She turns back to me and seems to almost read my mind, like she able to see everything I’m thinking, but before she can say anything three other kids, two girls and a boy, rushed up.

“Hey, everyone alright?” the boy asked

“Yeah.” The girl replied

“Then come on we have to go.” It’s then that I heard the police sirens.

“I-” the girl started “If you need help call,” she took something out of her sleeve, that one that had been bleeding handing it to me she join the rest of her group which was rushing off into the morning sunshine.

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