Chapter 4

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I stood in my apartment surveying the organized mess on the table and chairs in the kitchen. Ivy rubs against my leg while Rosie plays in a shopping bag that had fallen out of the trash. I waited nervously. There was a tap on the window of my bedroom, making me jump, I hurry in to find Ellis’ face at the window. I quickly open it and the whole gang piles in.

“Why couldn’t you use the front door?” I ask.

“We’re wanted criminals remember,” Ellis replies. I lead the gang into the kitchen, wondering if it was a good idea to bring them all here while I was alone, my thoughts drift to John again. Making my mood darken, but only for a second.

“Who wants to go first?” I ask cheerfully, as butterflies try to break out of my stomach. No one volunteers.

“Fine we’ll go youngest to oldest,” I say taking Ashley’s hand and pulling her to the table, she scowls.

I grab some things off the table and drag Ashley into my bedroom. I have her try on several different outfits before I’m happy. I stand back and survey my work, Ashley is wearing green shorts, and a green shirt with a ladybug on it, she’s wearing bandana over her short hair, and she’s wearing camo tennis shoes, just as a final touch I put camo band aids on her arms and legs. And painted her finger nails blue.

“What do you think?” I ask.

“I-I don’t look girly “she says in disbelief. I smile triumphantly, one down three to go. I bring Ashley back out to the kitchen where her companions are watching TV. I catch the end of a news story.

“And the terrorists are still at large, please report if you’ve seen these people,” the same sketch the policeman showed me that morning flashes on the TV. Ashley clears her throat and the group sitting at my dining room jumps a foot in the air.  Taylor switches off the TV cutting off the news reports final words. The all stand guiltily in my kitchen, then turn their attention on Ashley’s fashion change.

“Wow,” Ellis says, not in a particularly kind way.

“Now it your turn, Maria,” I say grabbing the next set of supplies on the table. Maria follows me back into my room.

“Alright, let’s get started” I say, but my minds still in the other room. Terrorists? Was that what people thought they were? Or was that who they really were they were only pretending to be the good guys? If so why had they been guilty about the new story, like they had something to hide? I again found myself cursing my rash decisions, and wishing that John, or even Tommy for that matter, was here. I smile at Maria.

“Pleases try these on,” I ended up fitting Maria with purple and gold plaid capris, a purple draped top tucked in and a cropped gold jacket, along with sandals, and a bow at the end of her French braided hair, I had also given her light bangs straight across her forehead, with purple feather ear rings and a touch of make-up in gold and black and a cream that made her skin look darker. I also got her fake glasses, and painted her nails black with gold designs. When all was done she looked like a completely different person.

“You look amazing!” I exclaim letting her look in the mirror.

“Um… thank you,” she says shyly fingering her ear.

“Now let’s go show everyone,” I say dragging her into the other room. The others look up from their card game.

Ellis purses his lip, while Taylor and Ashley gawk at Maria’s transformation. Maria shy smile dissolves as she goes to take her seat. I notice she take the seat farthest from Ellis.

“Come on, your turn,” I say motioning to Taylor. She gets up and follows without compliant. With my back to Taylor, I pick clothes off the bed and casually ask

“So what’s the story with Maria and Ellis?”

“You noticed? They’re brother and sister, Ellis is… Protective, but at the same time he’s unobservant. He controls ever part of her life and she doesn’t protest.” Taylor says with the same causality I had used. I frown, but put on a smile as I turn around, best to not get involved, right?

“Enough about that, put these on.” Taylor’s outfit is my best work yet, she wears skinny jeans that were ripped and distressed (blue), with funny little pockets everywhere, a wide sleeved tank with an electric guitar on it(gray and red), and a short T-shirt that I had ripped that sleeves off of that had 3D music notes on it(red and light gray). She also wore a skinny, sparkly belt(red), black converses, and I had fixed her hair into a fishtail braid and cut her side bangs that were layered up the side of her face, she wore little guitar earing, with silver nail polish on her fingers and her makeup was dramatic in a way that changed her face.

“What do you think?” I ask happily.

“I’ll blend in, in this?” Taylor asks back.

“Yep,” I say

“You’re the stylist… I guess,” Taylor replies still skeptical. We walk back out to the kitchen area where the others are playing a card game.

“Ellis, it is finally your turn,” I announce. The group looks up and the girls study Taylor’s new outfit, giving her compliments, while Ellis just glances at it as he stalks to my bedroom. I follow him and then after giving him his clothes and doing his hair I leave to let him change. I sit on the counter, everyone else sits/stands awkwardly the card game abandoned.

“So, how long have you guys been together as a group?” I ask.

“I’ve been here 3 ½ years,” Taylor says

“I’ve been here for barely a year,” Ashley says.

“Ellis started our work 8 years ago, but has only had his own group for 4 years, that’s also as long as I been here.” Maria says

“His own group?” I ask. Maria opens her mouth, but before can continue Ellis interrupts.

“It’s not important, this group has been around for too short a time, and it would be wasting precious time telling you our life story when you’re not joining us.” I’m taking about by his abruptness and the three girl look stunned as well, and maybe a little guilty.

“I was just trying to make conversation,” I say trying to sound calm, but in up sounding hurt. Ellis just starts gathering the little gear they had brought.  

Ellis’ outfit was nice jeans, a T-shirt with bold Orange print that would draw the eye from the face, and a leather jacket, and athletic tennis shoes that matched the orange in his shirt. I had styled his hair in gelled spikes.

“I meant what said we are wasting time, it time for us to leave.” Then Ellis is gone out the window.

“Thanks, Savanna,” Ashley says following Ellis

“Yeah, thanks,” Taylor climbing out the window. Maria hesitates then says

“Thanks, Savanna, I had fun,” she says then they are gone.

I plop down on one of the kitchen chairs, Ivy comes up and rubs against my legs.

“Well, that’s over,” I say to Ivy, actually a little sad “we’ll never see them again...”


It's finally updated! I probally wouldn't update this story for a while, I have some major editing to do, because the plot has shifted but I won't forget this story, I'm actually pretty excited for the new plot. Love you all, Arabeth.

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