Chapter 3

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(A/N I have been super busy and I barley got this chapter finished, so it is not edited yet, when I have time I will be editing P.S. I forgot to add the time of the meeting so I have added that to chapter 2)

Chapter 3

I stood in front of my wardrobe what did you wear to a secret meeting, at the docks? If I wore a hoody I would look suspicious, but the docks are cold at night. I think about what the girl had said: “Meet me at the docks, at warehouse, 4:30.” And I again find myself thinking about what the monster had said “Ambrosia has returned” I turn my mind back to my wardrobe.

I decide on kaki capris, a soft salmon pink tank top and a kaki trench coat. The clock chimes its merry tune, telling me I should head out, you should always arrive early to a secret meeting. Out the door I went to the evaluator, I rode down it as the cheesy music played, and stepped out into the lobby. John isn’t at the front desk instead it’s his step-brother Tommy.

“Hey,” I said

“Hey, Savanna haven’t seen you in a while,” He replied

“Where’s John go?”

“He left early, he seemed really upset, though he would tell me about it. Speaking of which, I heard what happened are you okay?” Tommy told me.

“I’m here standing before you aren’t I?” I asked with a smile

“And looking good as ever, that new movie’s coming out tomorrow do you want to come? As a friend I mean, me and the guys were going, Racheal and Felicity will be there too.”

“I’ll have to see,” I answered. Tommy asked me out every time he saw me, but never head on.

I stopped at the front doors for a moment to see if anyone was coming, there was no one with gray skin, or covered in blood, I step out on the sidewalk, nobody attacks, so I hail a taxi and tell him to take me to the docks. They hold way there he talks about his granddaughter, who was three, but already had enough stories to fill a book about her. When we arrived at the dock I paid the driver and started looking for warehouse 4. My pink flats make no sound, making me fell like a spy.

I soon found warehouse 4, it was tall and kind of rusty, and looked like a warehouse. Taking a breath I step though the side door, which is dwarfed by the loading door. Inside is cool, being shielded from the sun by the roof. There are a few dim lights on the walls casting a gloomy, almost creepy light on the place. The floor of the warehouse only had a few crates left, most having been moved out during the work hours.

“We would have turned some lights on for you,” a voice said from the shadows, I look around, but know I’ll never see the speaker unless they what to be seen. Almost as if on cue, the girl from earlier steps out of the shadows right where I was looking.

“Please, sit down,” she said indicating the crate by my knee, she sits down on a crate opposite the one I sat on like it had been planned, it probably was. The girl just stared at me, like she was judging my soul.

“Do you have a name?” I asked weakly, fearful in her gaze.

“Taylor,” she said. Still staring deep in my soul.

“I’m Savanna,” I said hesitantly

“I know,” Taylor replies. Her gaze suddenly lets up, a small triumph smile replacing it.

“Come on out, guys, she’s one of us,”

“One of wha-” I start, but stop as people start coming out of the shadows. There are four of them it takes me a minute to recognize that they are the kids from earlier.

“Savanna, I’d like you to meet my friends,” Taylor said

“This is Ashly,” She gestures at a small girl who couldn.t be older than 10, with blond hair and cold, steel gray eyes.

“Maria,” Maria is tall and athletic, with straight brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, and eyes that can’t seem to choose blue or green.

“And Ellis, our leader,” The only boy, Ellis is also the tallest he must have been at least 6 feet tall, with short, if uneven, light brown hair, his eyes were a golden brown.

“OK, it nice to meet you I guess?” I say “But I am confused, who do you think I am?”

“One of us, it hard-” Taylor starts

“I take it from here, Taylor,” Ellis said his voice deep and dreamy.

“This morning you ran into a Forsaken, a creature that comes from the lands bordering the realm above dreams. The forsaken sometimes slip past the guardians, and escape into the realm of dreams, and then fewer still escape onto earth through dreams. After they escape onto earth they kidnap the first person they meet, and become them. There are laws in place so these creatures cannot kill the people the kidnap, but they can let them die of dehydration, or starvation, once this happens you wouldn’t be able to tell the Forsaken from the real person, other than the forsaken has no emotions, they can fake some, but not all, they also don’t eat or drink.”

“What you saw was a forsaken who’s victim was about to die, at this point he still looks human to anyone without the blood or sixth sense. Before I explain that I’d better explain the realms, there are seven that we know of, but we only come into contact with the Forsaken and the Guardians of these realms, the realms are anchored into place by the realm of dreams, (which is the only place to sneak onto earth), which is anchor to our galaxy, and possible the whole universe. Anyway the realm of dreams, is basically a trash dump of the creatures of the realms excess power. The guardians, guard the opening into the realm of dreams and sometimes they fall into the realm and come out onto earth where they are stuck until they settle into a ‘human life’ and ‘die’ this is where people like us come from Ashley, Maria, and I are 2nd or 3rd generation Taylor and you are first generation. Meaning we can’t see the Forsaken’s true form, but out of the corner of our eye, while you and Taylor can.”

“We, Ashley, Maria, Taylor, and I, Hunt down these creatures and kill them. Why we invited you here was to ask you to join us.”

“What could I possible do? I can’t fight, and my face is too beautiful in put into hiding” I ask, like I knew what he was talking about. In truth most of what he said went over my head, the rest sounded crazy, but it still made an odd bit of sense.

“Yes, we know that, the job I have for you is simple, we can’t go to public places without being recognized, that were you come in I want you to be our errand  runner getting us clothes, food, and the like. What do you say?”

“That I’m not an errand girl.” Ellis started to protest.

“But,” I said “I can help you blend in,” They all looked confused.

“I mean look at you, you stick out like sore thumb, and you look like killers. You!” I say walking up to Ashley

“How old are you?”

“8,” She replies gruffly

“Exactly, eight year old girls have pig tail, not buzz-cuts, and 8 year old girls wear sparkle tennis shoes not combat boots. And you!” I say to Maria

“How old are you?”


“You look 40, you should be wearing shorts and glitter, not turtlenecks and cargo pants. And you Taylor, would it kill you to not wear black? Or show skin, or wear a bracket?”

I walk around Ellis.

“Now we come to you Mr. Ellis. How old are you?”

“18 tomorrow,”

“It keep it short you look like a museum curator, 18 year olds hate slacks. 18 year olds wear loose jeans and band T-shirts, 18 year olds gel up their hair. You Mr. Ellis are not 18.”

“I’ll help you fit in come to my apartment tonight around ten, and I will work my magic, after that I never want to see you again, got it?” They all nod.

“Good,” I walk out of the warehouse feeling very pleased with myself now I had some shopping to do.


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