Part three

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"Three minutes!" I yell.

They found a note book. Only a note book.

"Are you sure that's all you found?" I ask them. They nod their heads.

"We found a key!" Yells Claire.

"Really!" Yells Maddie.

"Yes, and we need to stop yelling. Okay, what does that lap top do?" I say. Looking over at it.

"We don't know, but you want to find out?" Asks Jo with a smug smile on her face.

"What about the phone?" I say.

"Again, you want to know?" Asks Jo again with the same smug smile.

"Come on, we need to get out." Says Maddie.

We only had twenty minutes left, and I was feeling the pressure. I could not put my friend in harms way. Not again that is.

We started with the lap top. It was locked.

"Okay, Jo and me will look for the code."

The room was small. It had a desk, which had the lap top and phone on it, and it had two file cases. It had uniforms on the walls, seven of them. Along with seven guns. (Fake of course.)

It had a schedule chart on the wall, next to the door.

"Where in Hades would that code be?" Jo asks.

"We have the key, it could be in the drawer!" I yell.

We went back into the room, and got out the key. It unlocked the drawer, and we found another note book.

But this one had writing on it. It had letters.

"Guys wreck the room." I say. They do as told. We tare off the uniforms, and guns from the walls. We don't find anything. Then I turn my attention to the schedule. It had numbers, and other letters on it, going with the initials of the workers.

M.I.L 3042- Tuesday.

B.A.T 3043- Tuesday.

H.D.E 3044- Tuesday.

G.S.I 3045- Wednesday.

M.F.D 3046- Wednesday.

T.T.T 3047- Thursday.

Y.R.D 3048- Thursday.

F.D.S 3049- Thursday.

B.R.B 3040- Friday.

G.T.Y 4041- Friday.

F.T.H 4042- Friday.

G.G.F 4043 Saturday.

A.G.J 4044 Saturday.

Q.W.S 4045 Sunday.

O.F.I 4046 Sunday.

K.X.Z 4047 Monday.

B.R.G 4048 Monday.

I did not know what is chart meant, other then a work schedule. It looked like it had the guards, with their pin and then the day they work.

I did not understand it, and that is odd for an Athena kid.

"What in Hera does this mean?" Asks Claire as we all look at it.

"It's a code. We need to mach the letters on the paper with the ones on the wall." I say.

"We don't have time. We have fifteen minutes." Says Johanna. I sigh. "What about the code we found in the box?" Asks Maddie.

We run to the lap top and put in the code. No good.

"Okay." Then I break out the walkie talkie.

"Hello, we would like the code to the wall of schedule." I say into it.

"Okay," says the walkie talkie. "The code is 'm3tg3wt3tb4fg4so4sk4m'

And the code for the phone is 'amazing sleep'. That's it."

We quickly put the code into the lap top and it revels a picture of a magazine, and different colors such as pink, purple, green, and blue.

Then, confused, went into the phone. As soon as we pick up the phone, it started screaming!

"holy Hera!" I yell at it. Then we try again and this time it did not scream. I was able to put in the code that we found in the box, and we started on the magazines.

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