part four

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"We only have two minutes left!" Yells Johanna.

How are we supposed to find A magazine in a pile of I would say about 50, with only ten minutes left, and find the right one with the code to put into something, so I can walk back to my aunts place for some pizza.

We look for about a minute until we find one that looked just as the picture. We take it and look inside. It says to find the thing that is right at lest two times a day.

"What the Hephaestus does this mean?" Asks Madison.

"What's right at lest two times a day?" Says Claire.

"A clock." Says Jo. We all look at her in shock. She sees we are looking.

"What! A clock is always right two times a day. I should know that."

"But where would the clock be? There is no clock in any of the rooms." I say. We start to panic.

I pull out the walkie talkie. "Tell us where the clock is, and how to get the code." I say into it.

"The clock is in the room that is right next to the magazine cart. And I can't tell you HOW to get out, but I can help you if you want to use your finale hint."

"Save it." I say. "Okay, where is the key?" I say into it. That's our finale clue. But it will be worth it.

"The key is in the file cabinet. You will not need a key to open that." She says. We run to the room. We get the key, and open the door. We only have five minutes. We get the clock off the wall and look at it.

The room was dark. It had a clock in the wall, with a table in the center of the room. It had books lined up on the other walls. Wow this is heaven. Anyway, it also had a paper on the table. But it was gibberish.

We get to work on the clock.

"Jo give me the flash light." I yell. She gives it to me, and together we look at the clock.

"It says: Every thing must be in order." I read aloud.

"Now what does that mean. And we only have three minutes." Says Jo.

"Books in odder. Now let's go!"

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