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(Your pov)
All my life everyone has hated me. My parents always put my older sister before me. When I went to school no one would talk to me, even when I would try to talk to them first. My relatives never visited me for my birthday, like they would for my sister. I couldn't even get a job. I've been depressed the past few years. Nothing went my way. Ever. Even trying to kill myself, something would happen and stop it.  But now I had the perfect chance. My parents were going to Europe for a year, and my sister was away at college. No one would notice I'd be gone, so I thought, why not?

I walk up the stairs to the top of my apartment building which had a helicopter pad on it. I walked over to the edge and climbed over. I let one leg free, then the other. I let go of the wall with my left hand and decided that I really wanted to do this. With tears streaming down my face, I let go and start plummeting to my death.

Then I hit something. It wasn't hard, and it actually was very comfortable. I sink into it, and then it launches me up again. I'm frozen for a minute, and then I realize I landed in a hammock. There were five guys running in my direction.
"Are you okay?" They all ask me. I just stare up at them.
"What's your name?" One asks.
"Y/n." I answer.
"Hi y/n. I'm Daniel."
"I'm Jonah."
"I'm Jack."
"I'm Corbyn."
"I'm Zach." They all say. Daniel helps me out of the hammock and starts showing me around his house. When he get into his room he sits on his bed and motions me to sit next to him. He immediately gives me a hug and whispers, "I don't know who, or what drove you to do that, but whatever it was, I want you to know that I will stick with you through it all. You're beautiful, I don't want anything else to happen to you." I give him a small smile. "Thanks, but dont worry about me. It's not your problem." I whisper back.

(Daniels pov)
I hope she lets me love her. A girl like her doesn't deserve what ever is happening. I just met her and I can already tell she's wonderful.

(your pov)
He takes me out of his room and shows me the rest of the house.
"Are you free later tonight? He asks me.
"I guess."
"I'm gonna take you out to dinner. Be ready at 6." He smiles at me. We walk back outside by the other boys and Daniel slips his hand into mine.
"I should get going, I have plans tonight.." I make eye contact with Daniel and he starts gleaming. They all say goodbye and I walk back to my apartment.

*a few hours later*
I get a text from Daniel saying..
Daniel: hey :) you almost ready?
Me: just about.. where are we going?
Daniel: that's a surprise ;)
Me: ugh, i hate surprises. see you soon
Daniel: 💜
I hate surprises. They always end up bad for me. Like the time this boy once asked me out on a date, told me it was a surprise, and then said "surprise slut, this was a dare so im taking you out to dinner, you're paying, and then you're going home. you won't speak to me either. you got that? it's funny how you thought i would actually like you."
I hope Daniel isn't like that.

Daniel: im outside
I go put some shoes on and walk through the front door. I see Daniel leaning on his car in a tux and holding a rose out for me. He opens the door for me and then turns around to go to his side of the car.
"Now will you tell me where we're going?" I ask.
"Not yet." He winks at me.
A few minutes later he pulls up to a parking lot at the beach and we get out of the car. He takes my hand and takes me to the edge of the sand where theres a blanket laid out with a picnic basket and an umbrella sticking out of the sand.
"That's not ours." He says as we walk past. "This is." He climbs up a ladder and into this big treehouse. In there, there are two lawn chairs looking out the hole cut out of the wood. There is a table set up of food and plates. He turns on two lanterns that are hung up on the walls. It was absolutely breathtaking. Daniel uncovers your dinner for the night, and it turns out he made you hot dogs.
"Im not very good at cooking... Sorry." He laughs.
"It's ok. Hot dogs are my favorite food." I say laughing. When we finish up eating the sun is about to set.
"It's beautiful." I say.
"Almost as beautiful as you." He tells me, and we both smile at each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2017 ⏰

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