↠ t h r e e

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I continued to gaze out the car window as my mom drived- it didn't matter to me where we were going at this point- I just wanted to get this over with

"Almost there" my mom says as she turned the steering wheel to turn onto the street of our destination. Next she pulls into a parking lot of a huge office building "here" my mom smiled- I got out of the car and she walked towards the front entrance of the building while I trail behind

We enter the building and I follow my mom to the front desk- "hi this is Ethan and I made a appointment for him with Alissa" "appointment?" I ask pushing her shoulder back slightly- she nods her head brushing my hand away

My eyebrows furrow In confusion as she continues to talk to the women behind the desk. I stand back listening in on their conversation slightly- "room 423" she says my mom nods thanking her and she heads toward the elevator

I follow slowly sighing to myself- this is going to be my first time out in public in awhile and I'm already dreading it "where are we going?" I ask angerly "to see a therapist Ethan" she sighs "mom I don't need a fucking therapist this is stupid- he's just my brother I'll be fine" I growl knowing I'm lying to myself.

She gives me a look. "I don't wanna do this" I tell her "why don't you just accept the fact that you aren't okay Ethan" she continues to look at me and I don't look back "I'm perfectly fine- let's just go ho-" "Ethan no!" She half yelled

"You need to talk to someone. You need to get help and that's okay, but you need to do this- it's going to help E" she sighs explaining herself "mom this is pointless" I say rubbing my temple looking at the ground "I'm not gonna give out my life story to some random lady named 'Alissa'" I scoff

"Who even is Alissa? She's probably an old lady and isn't gonna understand any of my problems anyways-" I roll my eyes "Ethan stop- behave." She tells me and I sigh "no mom I won't stop because this is stupid your wasting your time and money on something this stu-"

"Ethan this is not a waste of money this will benefit you I promise just do it. For me atleast" she sighs pleading me. "Fine." I give in- I cross my arms still not wanting to go into the therapists office-

The elevator doors open signaling we have arrived on the first floor and my mom leads me to the room where my appointment is held- she knocks on the door lightly and a young girl answered- pleasantly surprised my eyes widen

"Hi!" She says happily "I'm Alissa" she smiles shaking my moms hand and then mine "I'm lisa and this is my son Ethan" my mom smiled back resting a hand on my shoulder "hi Ethan I've heard so much about you" she says and I'm taken back.

What could they have told her ?

"Well, I should be on my way" my mom says "I'll pick you up in a few I should just be down the road so just give me a call" she places a kiss on my cheek and I groan "love you" she says but I just mumble a "mhm" whipping the lip balm residue off my cheek.

"Hi Ethan come on in" Alissa says- she motions for me to sit down in a chair in front of her desk and I walk over there to do so "okay so- Im aware you are not to thrilled to be here- but I'm here to help you" she smiled

"I don't need help" I mumbled under my breath. I slouch further into my chair and she begins asking me questions about myself and about my life "what do you normally do when you have free time?" She asked "skate, surf, adventure" I shrug "when's the last time you did any of those things?" She asked

I scoffed "a month at least- once I found out Grayson was sick I spent all my time with him-
Normally we would be doing things like adventuring and such but when your on your death bed that's not really possible" I explained to the young girl sitting in front of me

"Okay- moving on, who in your life do you normally talk to about things" "no one" I say replying fast but I take back my answer "well, grayson, but he obviously is... gone" I sigh and she nods her head jotting down some notes on a clip board "have you visited his grave?" She asked- I wasn't sure if this was a question she was told to ask or if her curiosity got the best of her

"I didn't even go to his funeral" I swallow. Her eyes go wide as she looks taken back. "Why not?" She questioned


A/n: I apologize for no updates ❤

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