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"I want you to get your medical marijuana card" she tells me my body tenses up but i stay calm visually "you don't have to use it" she tells me quickly "but i feel its a good thing for a patient like you to have" she says and i nod "o-okay" i tell her "and what's the other thing" i say anxiously

"I need you to..." she pauses "i need you to have someone take you to Grayson's grave. Don't go alone - someone should be there with you- someone you trust" my breathe hitches and my eyes Avert to the window again. I quickly move my eyes back to her remembering what happened earlier when i looked out there

"Okay" i tells her giving in "thank you" she says "one last thing i need you to answer these questions and sign the bottom please" She hands me a clipboard with a sheet on it i glances down the page. It asked questions about my personal experiences in substances and medical history

I checked off the boxes that applied to myself personally and scribbled some lines that sort of resemble my name. I hand it back to her and she nods silently thanking me "I'll walk you out" she smiled "I'm on my way out anyways" she says smiling. I nod, she picks up her bags and i follow her towards the door of her office

We get into the elevator and make our way into the main lobby of the building. "Have a good night Alissa" the lady at the front desk tells her "will do Mandy you aswell" they smile at one another. We exit the building and i stop on the sidewalk to wait for my mom.

Alissa stops too but i can tell it's unexpected as i see her eyes glue to a figure across the street in that park "shit" she softly curses "Alissa!" The guy yells. He has a bottle in his hand and he takes a swig of it as he stumbles his way over in our direction.

Alissa says nothing as he comes closer to her and attempts to embrace her in a hug. "No." She tells him moving away "g-get away from me" "baby- what's wrong?" He asked her bringing his arm around her shoulder.

"Hey- who the fuck are you?" I asked him "he boyfriend" he smirked as her grabbed her ass "no your not get the fuck off of me!" Alissa yelled pushing him away but he wouldn't budge.

I make my way over to them and i attempt to pull the guys body away from her. He punches me and i push him to the ground "don't you dare fucking touch her again" "and if i do?" He asked "you don't wanna find out." I tell him seriously.

He walks off and I move my vision down to the sidewalk to see her scrambling to pick up her papers i pick the remaining ones up and hand them to her. I want to ask her to come with me but i don't know how i think for a moment. She looks at the papers and then looks up at me squeaking out a small "thank you"

She tries to take them from my hands but my grip is unintentionally too strong and i decide then was the time to say it "can i-" she begins to say but i cut her off "will you come with me?" "Go with you?" she asked pushing a strand of hair behind her ear "y-yeah." I pause helping her up "to the cemetery you don't even have to get out of the car if you don't want to- i just, don't want to go alone"

Without even thinking she answers "of course"  "really?" "Yes Ethan- I'm the one who told you you need to do this so if you want me to go with you, I'd be happy to" she gave me a small smile "give your mom a call to let her know you won't be needing a ride home and I'll bring you home when we're done"

"R-right now?" "Yes. Right now. I don't want you to think about this anymore than you already have now let's go" she tells me tugging on my arm.


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