The Bad Boy

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The video had Chris telling Alex....

Chris "I never meant to hurt you...I-I never loved that loser. It was you all the time, you were in my mind.... you know I loved you this whole time and not her. I just knew that she was the most popular girl at school and I really didn't know how to get  to you in any other way except...."                 Alex "No, no don't say it she's my best friend. We shouldn't be here... I love you too but-but we shouldn't be doing this...."

Chris angrily "NO NO I did this all for you I never thought one second about myself and made everyone think that i liked her. She was my only way to you and I've been with her for three whole years for you. I tolerated all her foolishness and her imaginary future with me and you're saying this now "

Alex happily "I'm sorry Chris i never knew you loved me that much"

I couldn't even believe my eyes... what the hell was happening around me. My best friend is in love with my boyfriend.... was I that blind to never see any physical or mental connection between them..... I finally knew how foolish i was.

I ran out of the bathroom in anger and sadness at the same time. I really didn't know where I was going or where my feet were taking me but all I knew is I won't stay with that pathetic cheater.

As i was running i found myself in the last place i want to be "The cafeteria" and found the last two people I want to see. Chris and Alex "Where did you go. We searched for you everywhere". I went right up to Alex and slapped her.

Alex screamed "What the hell is wrong with you? what was that for?" I answered angrily "YOU ARE SUCH A BACKSTABBING LAIR and by the way Chris I'm breaking up with you" He came right up to me and wanted to hug me but I pushed him away and punched him in that pathetic face of his.  "because i knew everything and i watched the video" 

I went out of the school crying with all the eyes on me "How could they betray me this way. They were everything in my life" I went home early with the same screaming sounds of my dramatic parents. They didn't even ask me why am i home early because they are so busy working for Chris's parents. I got to my room and locked myself to be isolated from the entire world. Thinking of how my life went from perfect to the worse i could ever imagine. I started thinking of everything happened while I was with them. "Was i that dumb to think my life was that perfect" as I was thinking calmly, the screaming finally stopped. I got confused because they never stop fighting, I got up from my bed and unlocked the door slowly to check out what happened. As I went downstairs, Mum "Come here young lady" as I approached her "What's going on mom" Mum "You are grounded for LIFE" 

"What? why mum? I've done nothing and you don't even know what happened to me today so you don't have the right to ground me without any reason" Mum "And you have to get ready and look pretty because Christopher Montgomery is coming here to clean up the mess you've done today and apologize"  "But mum...." Mum " No excuses now shoo get out of my face "  

I went to my room angry because I know whenever my mom tells me to do anything I should do it with my mouth shut because if I didn't I won't be able to go to the prom and It's the only thing I've ever wished for. Only if she wasn't my mom I would've slapped her just like i did to Alex. She never even listens to me and wants me to do everything she asks just like a slave. I got ready and wanted to look amazing not to impress him but to show him how great I look without him. 

The door bell rang but before i even think of opening the door my mom took it. I went downstairs to meet him calmly but when I saw his stupid face I couldn't handle my anger and i just got crazy on him "What the hell are you doing in my house. After all you did.... you come here with sass like you've done nothing" Chris "But..." I replied angrily "NO don't say anything just get out of my house" Chris sarcasticlly "But it's not my fault, it's all your fault... you never cared about me you just cared about your popularity you....." I slapped him twice with all my strength but mom interfered by pushing me away "You're coming to my house, blaming me for your own fault and yelling at me then getting out of my home without any harm..... NO WAY" I just wanted to scream at him more but my mom continued to push me away and asked him to leave while apologizing. 

I always asked myself "Why do they love him so much even more than they love me? I never felt like i'm part of this family..... I was always abandoned from my parent. They always made me feel like the bad kid, the one who no one likes, the one who always starts fights. That's why i didn't find anyone to trust with my life except the cheater and the backstabber" 

I left my parents yelling like everyday but this time they were shouting at me not at each other. I just went upstairs to my room, locked it again and rested in my bed. "I don't even know what to do now. All my life ended in only one day, I have no one to go to..... my life is over and i won't even be able to go school tomorrow after what happened.... I just felt isolated from everyone. No one understands me, no one even cares about me.....Now that i lost everything I have nothing to live for....." That's when I thought of escaping at midnight. I didn't have that much money to afford a trip to LA on a huge plane so I went into my parent's room with fear with quiet and slow steps and stole my mom's credit card.

I waited till midnight after calling to pay for the nearest LA trip after 3 hours. I hurried to the airport thinking about the great and worst moments I had with them and the best times I had with them,they were great friends but at the end i knew everything but I won't think of them anymore. I'm about to start a new life in a place no one knows who i am or from where i came, a place no one knows who are my parents or my friends I'm going to get a fresh start somewhere far away from this disaster and everyone ever knew me.

After a long flight I finally arrived to LA, I went right to my room and met my roommate Katy Jones. She wasn't new actually she was here from freshman year. She showed me around and i didn't even wait for tomorrow to start my first day... I started today. We were walking in the hallways... Katy said " And this is Claire the most popular girl at school, she is pretty, rich but I hate her" we laughed but I really felt bad because I finally knew what others felt towards me all these years, they hated me and feel so disgusted every time I pass by. I finally knew how disgusting I was. No one ever liked me as i thought and they all made fun of me. I never felt hated that much but now i felt it and it really hurts.

As I was floating in my own thoughts. Katy said "Earth to Hanna. Where did your mind go?"             I said "Umm... never mind. Mkay what about that guy?"       Katy said "This is Ian Valentine the most popular guy at school but he have always been running after Claire but she never cared"     I replied "What about that guy who's smoking ...."    Katy replied "Oh, this is Liam Carson the baddest boy in the whole school and the one beside him is his best friend Hunter"      I said "Liam looks kinda cute he ......"     Katy replied "Oh no, don't even think of it honey he's so rude to everyone. Once a girl only asked him for his number and he yelled at her in front of everyone, he never speaks to anyone except Hunter ...... Oh god I must be so late, got to go now"

I went to the washroom to put some lipstick but I heard the school's bell ringing so I ran in the hallway to get to my class before getting detention on my first day, but on my way I bumped into someone so hard that my books fell. 

He said "What the hell is wrong with you? Are you blind or what? Watch out where you go you idiot"

                                                          TO BE CONTINUED ......



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