The Other Chance

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Thank you for 100 reads and 6 WHOLE VOTES 😭👌🏽❗💦😍 i know you guys have been ANXIOUSLY waiting for an update. ANXIOUSLY.

"Chance, that man in the mirror performance was amazing!" Emma hugged Chance, Brooklyn in her arms. They were back in his hotel room after the show

"DADDY'S ON BOYBAND!" Brooklyn cheered.

"Aw! Oh my god why aren't you a GAP model?" He swooned, one of his legs lifting up, like when a girl kisses a guy in a movie.

"Come on, she barely pays attention to us sometimes. Brooklyn isn't going to listen to some photographer telling her to do a bunch of poses."

"I don't know what you're talking about. " He turned, looking in the mirror.

His reflection held up the middle finger, then quickly returning to mirroring Chance.

"WHAT THE HECK, DID YOU JUST SEE THAT?!" He screeched, stepping away from the mirror. Emma scrunched her face up, giving him a confused look.

"What are you–OH MY GOD!" She gasped. Brooklyn was holding up the middle finger.

"Daddy did it!" The little girl smiled, sticking her hand in her father's direction.

Emma gasped, staring at him with a look of disgust.

"No! No, it wasn't me, I swear. I would never do that around Brooklyn. "

"Oh really? Brooklyn, point to who you saw do that...uh, finger thing? " Emma asked her little girl, who smiled and pointed at her Daddy.

"Seriously? Now I have to nip this in the butt. I'm taking her home, bye Chance." Emma rolled her eyes. "Say bye to Daddy."

"Bye Daddy!" His daughter waved with an adorable smile, before Emma walked off with her.

"It wasn't me," Chance mumbled to himself. He turned, looking at his reflection who was once again holding up the finger.

"It was the man in the mirror. "

— the end

Sike $,$:$::$

"I DON'T PLAY WITH DEMONS YOU STUPID LITTLE BITCH!" Chance shrilled, grabbing the Elena Of Avalor staff Brooklyn forgot and shattering the mirror with it.

"THERE AIN'T NO GODDAMNED MAN IN THE MIRROR NOW, BITCH!" Chance screamed, before seeing himself walk out of the glass shards.

"Oh shit. I should not have done that. I should not have done that," He felt himself pee a little bit.

"Ew, did you just pee?!" The other Chance exclaimed in disgust, a wet spot on his pants.

"Uh," He said awkwardly, the staff in his hand.

"Brooklyn forgot her–" Emma said, opening the door halfway before freezing with shock.


"WHAT THE FUCK ISJUGON DAY?" Brooklyn screamed, trying to copy her mother.

"Shit! She's going to be cursing now!" The other Chance raised his arms in the air.

"WELL MAYBE IF YOU HADN'T HELD UP THE FINGER–" Chance called his reflection out.

"Shit! She ubbleghid again!" Brooklyn tried to copy the Other Chance.

"GO BACK IN THE FUCKING MIRROR! YOU'RE CORRUPTING MY DAUGHTER!" Chance sung at his reflection, hitting his reflection and himself in the face.

"You feel what I feel, dipshit!" The other Chance said, rubbing his forehead. "Now it's time for you to take my place and go in the mirror."

"Dipshit." Brooklyn said.

"STOP!" Emma and Chance screamed.

"I'm not going in the fudging mirror," Chance struggled as the Other Chance had him in a chokehold, leading him to the bathroom.

"STOP! NO! LEAVE HIM ALONE YOU FAKE!" Emma screamed, putting Brooklyn down and hitting fake Chance.

"Leave me alone, you stupid bitch! I've ALWAYS hated you!"

"Did you just call me a bitch? In front of my daughter?"

"Yeah, I guess I did," Fake Chance smirked, as Chance tried fighting against the chokehold.

"Well, I guess I just clocked yo ass."


Emma cut him off, punching him so hard a tooth flew out. It was like, totally awesome.

Fake Chance loosened his grip on Chance's  throat, falling to his knees and holding his cheek.

"I CUNT BELIEV YOU DIS DAT IN FRUN UH BROOKLYN!" The other Chance sputtered.

"She started napping right after I said clocked. I don't even think she noticed there's a copy of her father." Emma rolled her eyes, dragging fake Chance by the nose and dragging him to the bathroom.

"BYE BITCH!" Emma laughed, lifting Fake Chance up and pushing him head first into the mirror.

"HALP!" Chance called. "I'm missings a toose!"

Emma's jaw dropped. She forgot everything she did to fake Chance happens to real Chance...

"Ans why sduds my nose hurt so much?"

"Because girl power." Emma said, taking sleeping Brooklyn and slamming the door on her way out.

"Wuh?" Chance asked, before searching for his missing tooth.

Man wuh wuz that. Like bruh its 8 am on a thursday what am i writing

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2020 ⏰

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