~Part 1~ The beginning

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~Aphmau p.o.v~
Hi i'm Aphmau! No no no that's my older sister Leona. We don't get along that much, But forced love right? Sure being the new kid is hard and scary but having an older sister thats one grade above you is kind of Embarrassing in several ways. I'm a small tiny freshmen. I just know im going to get picked on for being short. *ughhhhhh* fu-


This is how I'm  going to survive high school.

-aphmau: Ok ok ok I'm ready

-Sylvana: Mija! What took you so long?

-Aphmau: first day jitters.

-Leona: Come on! Take it from the pros youre gonna love High school.

-Aphmau: Leona this is your second year. You didn't even survive freshmen year how are you going to survive sophomore year?

-Leona: you're right.

-Sylvana: well come on lets get in the car.

-Aphmau: Ok then.

They hop in the car and drive off.

-Sylvana: So Leona you ready for a boyfriend?

-Leona:*blushes* MOM!

-Aphmau: well we're here! Bye mom!

-Sylvana: Wait girls! No flirting with the seniors!

-Aphmau: Ok bye! Ok Leona first things first we need to find the principles office

-Leona:ok! Wait wheres that at?

-Aphmau: do I know?

-Leona: no need to be salty Aphmau Esmeralda Perez.

-Aphmau: are you my mother Leona Maria Perez?

-Leona: Older sister to be in fact.

-Aphmau: Still not my mother though.

(In cafeteria)
-Lele: Hi ladies!

-Katelyn: What's poppin' Lele?

-Lele: Well our principal is finally letting me make a latin club

-Lucinda: good for you.

-Kim: Lucy do you have to be that salty?

-Lucinda: it's in my blood.

-Lele: you have blood?

-Gold: everyone has blood.

-Aphmau: um hi can we sit here?

-Lele: of course take a seat!

-Kim: so what's your girls names?

-Aphmau: I'm Aphmau and this is Leona my older sister.

-Leona: by one year.

-Katelyn: wait Aphmau are you freshmen?

-Aphmau: yea why?

-Gold: Oh sorry this is a sophomore only table I can take you to a freshmen table with my little sister.

-Aphmau: oh sure!

-Gold: come on!

-Aphmau: So um what's your name?

-Gold: I'm Gold that's my younger sister Funneh, this is Vylad and this is Travis. Guys this is Aphmau please be nice and respectful.

-Gold: if you need anything I'm right here.

-Aphmau: Oh thanks and by the way is there a cheer team?

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