~Part 6~Best Life~

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Can you tell I'm obsessed with cardi b? More than Leona is obsessed with Dante lol, I'm joking that's hard.

(7 pm at Leona's house.)

So it's party. Funny how my mom made Leona invite everyone at the school. Freshmen through senior. Even the weird kid Aaron is here.

-Leona: weird turn out huh?

-Lucinda: ugh look it's Lizzie car.

-Leona: I thought you invited everyone but her, Yammy, ivy, Felicia, and Britneh?

-Lucinda: How do they know where you live?

-Leona: I don't know...

-Lucinda: look let's just ignore them, come on girl let's get in that pool of yours.

-Leona: alright.

-Leona: Lucinda?

-Lucinda: yea?

-Leona: so you think- huh?

-Travis: KATELYN, umm we really need to talk.

-Katelyn: Travis the answer is no, I have a boyfriend.

-Travis: Katelyn, I just want to tell you, I hope it works out in the future.

-Katelyn: Well it won't.

-Travis: That's what you think my blueberry.

Katelyn punches Travis' arm hard.

-gold: Katelyn,don't you think you're a little harsh?

-Katelyn: Poor Gold, this is normal.

-Gold: *rolls eyes* of course.

3 hours later.

-Lizzie: Hey Leona can we speak for a moment.

-Leona: Sure?

-Lizzie: listen if you talk to Dante, I will kill you. Well not actually kill but you get what I mean.

-Leona: Wait? Are you guys dating?

-Lizzie: no but soon to be.

-Leona: Lizzie get it through your mind he doesn't love you.

-Lizzie: no, he doesn't love you.

-Leona: Prove it!

Lizzie then grabs Leona and Dante's arm and push them into a closet together.

-Lizzie: talk to eachother I kill both of you. And maybe Leona will realize Dante doesn't actually love her.

Lizzie slams the closet door making the closet somewhat dark. The two were locked in for hours.


Aphma pov:
I glanced over my shoulder to see the weird kid Aaron trying to talk to me. I ignore him tapping my shoulder. A minute later I finally answered him.

-Aphmau: yes?

-Aaron: sorry I was just...

Soon I feel alittle blush come onto my cheeks. Then I hear my mom yelling,


-Aphmau: MAMA!

-Sylvana: Mija that's the Aaron kid everyone talks about. Stay away from him.

-Aphmau: Why?

-Sylvana: everyone thinks he killed Ashley's twin brother.

-Aphmau: ohhh...

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