Part 4~The weekend pt2

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Garroth: what? Oh not this again...

Heyyy leave me alone!

Garroth: you need help remember we figured this out first season, no more intro!


Garroth: lol because we had the worse jokes.

I was twelve, I'm sorry!

Garroth: wait I thought you were 11...


(I'm sorry this was so useless lmaoo)

Leona pov:
I see Kim walk in the halls with her head down. I walk over to her to make sure she's ok. She just keeps her head down and plays with her hair.

-Leona: heyy Kim I saw what happend earlier, are you alright.
-Kim: I'm ok, I just want a different boyfriend, instead of one who probably used me for my body shape and looks, see I'm also a very smart person.
-Leona: oh it's going to be alright trust me I've been through the same.
-Kim: thanks Leona, hey to get this off my mind wanna hang with Me, Enya, Lele, And Lucinda tonight?
-Leona: oooo sure! My sister has plans with her friends, maybe I can make new ones too.
-Kim: great! Meet me at Gem mall at 7 tonight!
-Leona: ok!

I walk off to my next period and think to myself, I'm actually making friends. On my way I bump into someone, hey it's Dante. But I get distracted and drop my stuff..

-Leona: shit, I'm sorry.
-Dante: oh hey cutie. *winks*
-Leona: Dante you ok?
-Dante: I mean i wasn't until I saw you. *winks again*
-Leona: Dante...

Lizzie walks around the corner to see them talking.

-Dante: Yes?
-Lizzie: Danteeee'
-Dante: oh hey babe!
-Lizzie: heyyy.
-Dante: oh Leona this is Lizzie my girlfriend.
-Leona: oh trust me, I met her before.
-Lizzie: yea we met.

Leona walks away with a pissy face from them in shame. She loves Dante but his girlfriend? She's a disgrace to her.

*In 2nd period with gold and Katelyn*

-Katelyn: hey boo.
-Gold: *low tone* heyy.
-Katelyn: woah what's wrong?
-Gold: you know....
-Katelyn: Evan?
-Gold: yeaaa.. also did you hear what he did to Kim?
-Katelyn: yup... it's horrible she needs to break up with him.
-Gold: I heard she is soon.
-Garroth: hey girls.
-Katelyn: what's up garroth.
-Garroth: nothing much.
-Gold: I need to text Laurence.
-Katelyn: ooooooo!
-Garroth: Katelyn, Laurence said they're just best friends they're never going to date.
-Gold: see!
-Katelyn: I need proof.
-Mr. Justice: hey no flirting with Garroth please continue the project.
-Katelyn: alright alright.!
-Garroth: hey Katelyn, how's Travis?
-Gold: now I wouldn't be the one talking if were you Katie.
-Katelyn: grrrrr...

Travis runs over to Dante and Laurence.

-Travis: DUDE!
-Dante: what?
-Travis: can I cut in line?
-Laurence: no.
-Dante: by who?
-Travis: *exhales* Aaron.
-Laurence: what did you-

*Travis runs away from the boys to go hide from aaron*

-Laurence: geez, what's his problem?
-Dante: he's literally kind of fucking retarded, doesn't he know not to mess Aaron?
-Laurence: we're talking about Travis here. Besides he's going to golds party tonight.
-Dante: so that's what everyone's doing??
-Laurence: yea. I think Aphmaus going.
-Dante: what's not Leona?
-Laurence: I heard she's hanging out with Enya, Lele, Kim, and Lucinda.
-Dante: oh man.
-Laurence: to be honest I think Aphmau is kind of cute.

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