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See, the thing is, I have a boring life. I mean, really boring. I get up, go to school, go home, and waste away in my room. During the summer, it's all the same minus the school part. I have nothing going on for me. I am a perpetually miserable person. And it's not like I have a bad life. I live with my mom and sister, and my mom is great. My sister and I get along perfectly. I have good grades. It's just- my life is so overwhelmingly boring.

Maybe that makes me a cynic. Maybe I'm being a pretentious, spoiled brat; complaining about my life that's so normal when there are people living on the streets, people with nothing.

My name is Brendon Urie, and I hate my life. I know that sounds incredibly unappreciative, but.

I just want something worth living for.


"Brendon, are you still doing your hair? We're going to be late. It's the first day of school. What would it say about us if we were late on the first day of school?" Jayda asks, staring at my reflection in the mirror from where she's standing behind me, her arms crossed.

"That we don't give a fuck about school?" I shrug.

"Whoa now, don't get too excited," she drawls sarcastically.

"Jayda, you know I hate school," I reply, a little cranky from my lack of sleep.

"What's with you lately?" she asks, her tone softer now. "You used to love school."

"Yeah, well people change."

"Just... hurry up," she says resignedly, exiting the bathroom.

Jayda is my twin sister. Of course, we're fraternal twins, because it's impossible for boy/girl twins to be identical, but we look exactly the same nonetheless; raven-colored hair, dark brown eyes, fair skin, tiny bodies. We're also best friends. We always stick together at school, and we always go places together. I know I've been distant toward her lately, but I've been busy sulking at the world, making my unhappiness more than apparent.

I stare at my reflection and sigh at the sight before me. I'm pale; I always have been. My brown eyes look murky, with purple bags visible from my sleepless nights. I actually have put effort into my appearance today. My hair looks perfect. And it should after all the tedious poking and prodding that it takes to get it to cooperate.

I sigh once more, long-sufferingly, before grabbing my bag and heading toward the front door where Jayda is patiently waiting. She doesn't say anything, but I know she wants to.


High school, as I have learned in my two years here, is not all it's cracked up to be. You expect it to be the time of your life. Parties, friends, having a good time; when in reality it's just boring classes that start to get repetitive after your freshman year, homework, rumors, liars, drama, asshole teachers who don't give a shit, and more homework. To say the least, my first day of high school two years ago was a huge letdown.

Now it's just something I do every day. Just like every other mundane thing in my life. It's just there.

I've only got one real friend besides Jayda; Spencer. And there's Pete, but he's just kind of along for the ride.

Jayda and I usually have most of our classes with them, but they aren't in our first one this time. For some reason, Jayda and I always have the same schedule. I'm secretly grateful for that because I don't like being by myself. Don't get me wrong, I'm not an outcast or anything. I just like to keep to myself rather than fraternize with these people, and I don't see the point in trying to make a billion friends that I'll never talk to again after I leave this place. Jayda and Spencer; they're here to stay. The rest can fuck off.

Something Worth Living For {Ryden AU}Where stories live. Discover now