Chapter Fourty

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I expected my parents to come together, frantically looking around for me.

My mom came first. Followed by my dad, who glared at my mom who was fretting over my hair and my dress.

"How... He was going to take you... To his prom?" my mom shrieked in a whisper as people talked around us. "And you... Bought a dress?"

"Mom," I squeaked, blinking back tears. "I'm really tired, I don't really want to talk about it.''

''Laziness is no excuse," my dad snapped, walking over to us. "That boy almost killed you and you don't want to tell us about what happened?"

"Oh, shush, she's had a long night," my mom hissed at him. He ignored her.

"The least you could do is tell us what happened," my dad. "While we're waiting for the police officers to interrogate Sean and David." 

I nodded. "Can I at least get some water?"

I headed over to the water dispenser while my parents ignored each other. The police station was fairly large, filled with officers and donuts and creepy people. And cubicles. And handcuffs. But I'd never expected myself to be at a police station. At night. I'd always thought I was a good kid, but now? This was just plain old weird. But what was even worse was the look on the police officer's face when they called my parents to come get me... And then my dad went full out on the officer. I felt kind of bad for him, but then again, at that time my parents didn't know just how much trouble I was in. But it's not like I did anything... Ish.

I came back to my parents and sat down in a chair next to them, burying my face in my hands. I didn't care if the germs and oil and residue in my palms gave way to pimples on my face. If I looked uglier, that would be better. Maybe Mr. Hauge would leave me alone.

"What happened, sweetie?" my mom asked, placing a hand on mine.

"Sean wanted to take me out," I said. "He had a prom so I bought a dress to wear, an - "

"You have dresses at home," my dad interrupted. "Why didn't you wear those?"

"Those are ugly!" I blurted out, and received a weird look from both of my parents. "I mean... Well, I didn't really want to go home." I finished in a small voice.

"Why, sweetie?" my mom asked. "Why don't you want to come home?"

"You know why," my dad snapped at her, and turned back to me. "Continue."

"And..." I continued quietly. "I just wanted to look nice." My mom gave my dad a look and I knew they knew. 

Suddenly, I wondered if I should tell my parents about the robbery incident. NAH!

"When we got to the prom, Sean said that we should leave. We just barely got there, so I wondered why we even bothered to come at all. And then, Sean kept telling me how nice I looked." I couldn't help but blush as my parents put two and two together to realize I had the biggest crush on Sean (not anymore... I guess!). "He said he knew this nice place that we could go to eat at. We drove in his car for a while, until I realized we weren't anywhere I recognized. I thought we were lost. And then, the car hit something, and we crashed."

My mom gasped. "You were in an accident?" and she skimmed me, making sure I wasn't missing any limbs just in case.

My dad scoffed. "Just let her finish, please," he groaned. 

"When I woke up, he, uh..." I paused. How could I make this seem not awkward? "Well, I was tied up, sorta, and - "

My mom and dad both gasped. Their thoughts were going in the wrong direction. "Did Sean... did he... Did he r - " they both asked but I yelled loudly to cut them off.

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