Chapter Fourty Two

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"David?" I squeaked. "What is this?" Was this some kind of joke?

David's hands around my wrist squeezed on the object that bound them together and suddenly I couldn't move my arms. It was like those handcuffs Sean had me in that night, in the forest, only stronger. What was this? Some kind of game?

"I said, you have the right to remain silent," David snarled at me, and darkness clouded over his face. I stared at him in cofusion. Seconds ago we were, well, kissing, and now he had me in handcuffs? What did I do wrong? Was he some sort of police officer, undercover or something? But what had I done?

"What is this?" I repeated, angry. "David, what are you doing?"

"Quiet!" he roared, and barreled his fist into my stomach. I saw stars and it felt like a load of bricks was dropped onto my stomach as I began to cough up all the air in my lungs, my head spinning  violently. 

"David..." I squeaked, my voice so hoarse it could have been a whisper. What was happening? Why was he doing this to me? 

And then, the door opened.

I opened my mouth to scream but David suddenly whirled around, one hand pushing me against the wall and another at his side, as if ready to throw some punches.

It was Tamara. Followed by Shayline.

Shayline's eyes widened when she saw Mr. Hauge under the mess I'd made. "What the... Oh my go -" she started to yell but Tamara shushed her.

"You saw them go in here, right?" Tamara asked her as she stared at the pile of junk and the body of Mr. Hauge. Shayline nodded. Tamara looked around, her eyes skimming over me and David. "Weird. Maybe they left or something, but I don't know what's wrong with Mr. - "

"TAMARA! SHAYLINE!" I shrieked at the top of my lungs, hoping to catch their attention. Didn't they see us over here? What the heck was going - 

"Quiet!" David hissed and shoved his hand over my mouth. Tamara and Shayline didn't even look our way as they began to pick up the items off Mr. Hauge. I quickly bit down on David's soft hand and he roared, taking a step back from me and cursing.

Tamara and Shayline's eyes darted over to us and Tamara screamed, "Avaley, run!!!"


David, who stood a foot away from me, in no contact with me, suddenly barreled towards me and placed a hand on my limp arms, and suddenly Tamara and Shayline's eyes started to look around curiously.

"Where did they go?" Shayline asked, her voice trembling. "They just appeared out of nowhere... And now - "

"Shh," Tamara said, lifting a hand gently to calm her friend. "They're still here, David's just hiding."

What? David was just hiding?

David turned and gave me a dark look. "Don't even think about trying anything," he snarled. "You're trapped this time for good."

"I don't get it," I said harshly. "What is going on?"

And he slammed his other fist into my stomach again, and I felt myself falling forward but he caught me and rammed me up against the wall, lifting me up with his two bare hands. "I don't know if you can hear or not, but let's get one thing straight," he growled at me. "You are in no position to be talking. One more word from you and you're gone. For good." and he smiled before letting me go, but keeping a hand on my bounding on my wrists.

Tamara had moved away from the pile with Mr. Hauge and was walking steadily towards us, holding a hand out. I guessed she couldn't see us, because her eyes were moving all over the place. David chuckled. "Stupid girl," he said, and pulled something out from his pocket.

It was the dagger.

The blade. The knife thing.

From that night. That night with Sean. The blade that David had made a big deal of not telling anyone about. I totally forgot about it.

What was he going to do?

Tamara was zeroing in on us, and David suddenly lifted the dagger up, pointing down at her outstretched hand, and I realized the awful truth. He was going to slice her hand! I had no idea why, but he was still going to do it!

"No!" I found myself scream, and as David turned to me, I lifted up my leg and kicked him back, and he let go of my wrists. Tamara's eyes finally met mine and as David barreled towards her, she reached over and grabbed the dagger. "Shayline!" she yelled, running towards me. "Don't let him get away!"

"What?" Shayline asked, as she pulled off a textbook from Mr. Hauge. David roared angrily and swung a fist at Shayline, who screamed.

"Use the book!" I found myself yelling, and Shayline held up the book as David's fist made contact. I heard a nasty crack, and for a moment I thought David broke a knuckle, but Shayline squealed as the textbook broke in half and crumpled down to her feet. David was that strong.

"Shayline, run!" Tamara yelled, gesturing to the door as she stood next to me and looked down at my wrists in a panicked manner.

"What about you?" Shayline cried, but David roared again and lifted up his fist and she ran out the door.

"What's going on?" I cried, but Tamara shook her head. 

"No time," she told me. "We gotta get out of here." 

"Watch out!" I cried as David came running for Tamara, his eyes locked on the dagger.

And then, like a miracle - I saw Mr. Hauge emerge from the pile of things I had thrown at him. Shirtless, angry, and yelling, he threw himself at David and down they went, punching and yelling. I wanted to help David, but I remembered how hostile he had been to me. And Tamara was trying to help me and apparently she knew what was going on.

"Let's get out of here!" Tamara cried, tugging on my wrists.

"What about these?" I asked, waving my bound wrists around. "I can't do anything!" Meaning, none of my powers worked. I had already tried the see through vision, super strength - I was going nowhere in these things.

"We'll take care of those later," Tamara said and pulled me to the door. As we scrambled into the hallway, I heard David yell, "There's no escaping your fate, Avaley!" and we took off running.

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