for Jade

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"Somehow I don't think we're gonna hug this out"Theo said as he turned to Scott oh god

"I hope you realize it's taking all of my strength to not tear you in half right now"Scott says I slowly moved away from Theo malia walks in

"Hey, Malia You aren't still upset about the whole shooting thing, are you?"he asked her she starts to growl and soon her eyes glowed omega blue malia then attacks him he starts to bleed next thing I know I'm laughing before I grab malia by the throat and toss her across the room hearing her cry out in pain made me snap out of my eyes start to flicker

"Jade"Scott called out as Theo got up

"no stay back I don't wanna hurt you"i told them both

"I'll heal"Scott said my eyes stopped flickering I used my speed to rush to Scott clinging onto him

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that"i apologized

"I know it's okay I'm fine"malia assures me

"come with me"Scott said I nodded and he leads up to our room I started to cry

"shh it's okay"he cooed into my ear soothing my hair

"did you find anything?"I asked as he sat down pulling me onto his lap

"I think stiles is trying to warn us that beacon will be the next ghost town"he said I clung onto him straddling his lap

"so nothing"i said my chin rested on his shoulder he sighs

"no"he said rubbing my back I sniffed

"I'm scared Scott"i admitted I hate doing that

"I know"he said kissing my temple

"I hate feeling like this I'm not supposed be to scared I'm supposed to make people scared"i told him he shakes his head

"everyone has a weakness yours is losing your memory"he said playing with my fingers

"that's not true"i said looking down at him

"it is without your memory you wouldn't have known you even met me"he said pressing his forehead against mine

"what are we gonna do about Theo?"I asked him

"I'll figure it out just relax I'm gonna keep you as far away from violence as possible"he said

"but...."he cuts me off

"no buts"he said pecking my lips I smiled

"I adore you Scott McCall you know that?"I said he smiles too

"I love you too"he said pulling me into a kiss I kissed him back humming as I wrapped my arms around his neck

"Scott they're still downstairs"i said as he starts kissing my neck me holding back a moan

"they can wait"he mumbled against my skin making me giggle

"no we can't"i heard Liam say from outside the door

"you should go we can finish this later"i said he pecks my lips twice before giving up

"ugh okay fine"he said I got off him and into the bed

"love you"he called from the door I laid my head on my pillow

"always"i said giving him a wink he chuckles before he's pulled out by malia who grunts

"we have a rat we need to send back"
I felt someone shaking me I opened my eyes to see Jade she was crying but she couldn't talk her mouth was stitched up like a ghost rider I gasped

"Jade?"I said she nods I immediately got up and called the entire pack over

"Jade you can come down now"i said looking up at her on the stairs

"Scott what's going on?"Hayden asked

"Jade it's okay no one is going to make fun of you"i assured her she sighs before taking my hand I gently led her to the living room everyone gasped

"oh my god"Theo said she starts crying again turning to me and hiding her face in my neck malia growls at him lydia glares Liam growls as well did Hayden and so did I

"guys she's very sensitive right now"Corey said I nodded

"you still look beautiful"Liam tells her

"see"i told her she slowly unravels herself from me but puts on her face mask

"what happened?"Hayden asked

"who cares what happened we're running out of time I don't know about you guys but I'm not ready to lose my sister again"lydia said malia stands up arms folded

"well neither am i"malia said Jade walks over to her and hugs her

"we're gonna find stiles"i told her she nods

"we have too"Liam said

"let's do this for Jade guys"mason said

"for Jade"we all said in unison

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