the plan

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Hearing the door closed I rushed out of the room and down stairs running into Scott he groaned

"Jesus Jade what did we say about running in the house"he said shaking his head

"you said I love you but don't run"i said smiling his eyes widened

"you can talk"he said I shook my head

"I love you"i said his eyes teared up

"I love you"he said pulling me into a kiss I felt a tear fall down his cheek 8 pulled away frowning

"don't cry"i said wiping his tears away

"don't leave me"he said his hands coming up to my face I grabbed his hand and kissed his palm shaking my head

"never"i said he let's out a breathless smile before kissing me again I jumped wrapping my legs around his waist it was time to celebrate 😉
I packed Alex and Allison's clothes as I got ready to leave

"what are you doing?"Scott asked Liam malia and Lydia right behind him

"I'm taking the kids to braeden and to visit Kira I'll be back tonight"i told him

"why?"he asked

"because I have a feeling things are about to get really ugly in beacon and I don't wanna have to look after 3 more people"i said moving to their toys

"my main focus is getting everyone back and getting Theo the hell out of beacon hills"i said as I zipped up the bag

"why Theo?"Liam asked

"I promised him if he helped us I would get him out of beacon"i told them

"when was this?"Scott asked I looked at him

"the day Liam brought him back before malia came back and assaulted him"i said

"he deserved it"malia said I shook my head

"you don't know him like I do you only saw the bad side of theo he really is a good guy"i said

"he murdered his sister"malia said I looked at her

"I killed my aunt and uncle what makes him so much different than I am"i said throwing my hands in the air

"why are you defending him?"Scott asked I looked down

"because he saved my life and I owe him at least that if you wanna get mad at me for that then go ahead"i said moving onto my bag

"where is he?"I asked

"he's at the sheriff's department"lydia said I chuckled

"let me guess Hayden talked you into it"i said shaking my head

"you have something against her?"Liam asked getting defensive I whipped around looking at him I raised my eyebrows

"not personally I think she runs her mouth too much"i said truthfully

"she's apart of the pack"he said stepping forward I did to Scott grabbed my arm now I was angry

"and when she wasn't? What were you doing when she was bad mouthing Scott?"I asked him his eyes dropped to the ground that's what I thought

"okay obviously we all have a lot to talk about"lydia said malia growls at me

"obviously"she said I glared her I knew about her little crush on Scott but I let it slide for now I sighed

"look I'm coming back hopefully with a clear mind and something to help I just he was my first and I put him through hell I have to help him"i said Scott intertwined our fingers

"I trust you"he said Liam grabs my hand I looked at him finally calming down

"we all do"
"I have to say you look hot behind bars"i said walking towards his cell he gets up

"Cute"he said I shook my head

"I know"i said handing him a lunch box that I packed with food knowing he hadn't ate since he'd been back he looked to see I had my keys

"Where are you going?"he asked me

"I'm taking the kids to braeden and to visit Kira I'll be back later tonight"i told him

"You told them?"he asked I sighed and nodded

"Yeah"i said

"Was he mad?"he asked

"At first"i said twirling the keys on my finger

"Figured"he said rolling his eyes I turned to leave but he spoke up

"Hey"he said I turned around looking at him

"Thank you"he said letting his guard down he only did that for me and that's what made me fall for him the first time

"For what?"i asked furrowing my eyebrows he tried to hold back a smoke

"Not killing me when you had the chance"he said it made me smile

"You're welcome"

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