Chapter 3 - Dark Oak

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I hope that Draco wasn't too out of character in this chapter but I thought that we needed to see that side of him. By the way, I have edited this. Thanks - TurquoiseUnicorn.

Brothers always had a tendency to be annoying. Twin brothers were even worse. Maybe it was in their job description? But Draco was being a little less annoying recently. He was being quieter, more reserved. At first, I thought it was because Father was in Azkaban, but then whenever he talked to me, he called me 'Tee'. He hadn't called me that since just before we started Hogwarts, just before everything went wrong. It was then when I suspected that something else was up and I was determined to find out.

He had gone to his room straight after lunch, so I decided that this was the perfect chance. I knocked on the door to his room. His pale face poked around the door, "Yes?"

I did a weird jazz hands-type thing, "Hey."

"Oh, hey Tee." he opened the door wider and I stepped inside.

I hadn't been in his room for years, and, to be honest, it hadn't changed much. The same Hogwarts-style, four-poster bed stood in the corner; the same dark oak wardrobe was opposite to it. Really, the only thing that was different was the books that were now stuffed into his shelves. I felt a wave of nostalgia as I remembered what had happened the last time I was in this room. I shivered at the memory but quickly brushed it away. I couldn't have any distractions, I needed to find out what was wrong with my twin.

"So. What's up?" I began as I sat cross-legged on the bed.

"I don't know what you're talking about." he teased, joining me on the bed. This was a start: he was annoying again. I rolled my eyes and continued.

"You do know what I'm talking. We're identical twins. I can tell when something's up with you. It's a sixth sense or something."

"Why do you want to know anyway?" he wasn't giving up that easily. Little did he know, I was prepared for this.

"Because, dear brother," I lectured, "I have known you for all of my life, all of your life and 9 months before that. I care about you and, I can't believe I'm about to say this but, I love you, Draco, and it hurts me to see you upset or worried. Mother has never been a proper mum to us, so I'm taking her place. You can tell me, Draco." He hung his head but still looked at me. I looked into his eyes. They were innocent and afraid, a trait that I had rarely ever seen in him. He also seemed quite shocked, maybe because he didn't expect me to care as much as I did. "Please tell me," I whispered.

"Do you really care?" he asked, stunned, his fake icy exterior melting away.

"Of course I do. You have no idea how much it hurts me to hear the shock in your voice!" I sighed.

Draco took a deep breath and nodded. "OK. I'll tell you. You-know-who has asked me to kill someone. No, take that back, he has told me to kill someone. And not just anyone. Dumbledore."

"Dumbledore?"I was quite taken aback.

"Dumbledore. And he threatened to kill all of us if I didn't. I don't want that to happen, but I don't think I can bring myself to be a murderer." he muttered.

"That snake!" I cursed, "How dare he force you to do something like that! You're only 16, for Merlin's sake! I don't care that he is the 'Dark Lord'! 'Dark Lord' or not, he has absolutely no right to threaten you like that, Draco. And let me tell you, it ain't gonna fly!" I was absolutely seething with anger but calmed down at the frightened look on Draco's face. "Oh, Draco. We'll find a way to get you out of this mess." I leaned forward, then hesitated, and hugged him anyway. Draco was surprised at first, but then I hugged back. He had been wrong to doubt me, I will always be his twin and I will never stop caring for him, whether he liked it or not.

I pulled away and put my hands on his shoulders. "Look, you're going to be fine. Don't stress, I'll see what I can do. OK?" He nodded. I got up and turned to leave. "Good. See ya!" I grinned and left the room. Draco smiled to himself. Despite everything he was going through, he still had one person on his side, and that suited him just fine.

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