Chapter 6 -Fluffy Bunny Slippers

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"Do you have to go?" Draco whined for about the millionth time.

"Yes. I want to go, and besides, I already agreed." I sighed.

"But what about..." he trailed.

"You are going to be fine! I will see you in Hogwarts anyway!"

"B-but, he's going to be there!" he pointed out.

"He has a name, Draco, and that name is Harry Potter, and I'm going to see him whether you like him or not!" I shot back.

"Who's going to see Harry Potter?!" Mother butted in.

Oh Merlin. 

"Me." I mumbled.

"No you're not!" she retaliated.

"Why not?"

"Because I said so! I don't want you mixing with people like that!" she said bluntly.

"OK, two things. First, I am 16 years old now so I am not a child anymore. I can make my own decisions, thank you very much. Second, you make him sound like he's dodgy or dangerous or something," I said, rather pissed off at this point.

"That's because he is!"

"He defeated Voldemort! How does that make him dangerous?"

Draco winced at the name, but Mother was furious, "How dare you say his name! He is the Dark Lord to you and me!"

With that, she slapped me around the face and tears started forming in my eyes, "To you maybe, but not me! I'm not scared of him, unlike you!", my voice broke and I turned around before either of them could see me cry. I took a deep breath and was about to get my suitcase and leave. Except Mother had grabbed it first. And she hit my back with it. I had to bite my tongue stop myself from crying out. I spun around quickly and wrestled the suitcase out of Mother's grasp. I refused to look her or Draco in the eye but I did see her look of disgust that I had seen many times before. I also saw the look of sympathy in Draco and I also noticed that his eyes showed that he was no stranger to this kind of behaviour when it came to me and our parents. I left as quickly as possible, I couldn't stand being in that house any longer.

I slammed the door, attempted to compose myself and pulled out my wand. I laid out most of my things in front of me, with the exception of my broom, and muttered, "Avifors.". An electric, blue light shot out of my wand, and, where my luggage had been, was now a flock of birds of all sizes, from toucans and pelicans to hummingbirds and robins. I mounted my broom and kicked off, heading straight for The Burrow, the flock flying behind me. I never liked flying but I couldn't deny that I wasn't too bad at it. Tears refused to stay in my eyes as I flew but I just let them fall. After a while, I could see The Burrow was coming into view. I started to descend until I reached the front door. I took a deep breath, and, after returning my luggage to its original state and wiping the tears away, knocked on the door.

"Tina!" exclaimed Ron as he opened the door.

"Hey!" I replied as I heaved all of my stuff inside.

"So, your mum let you come, then?" he asked.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah," I lied. I didn't want to bother him with my not-so-ideal family situation.

I looked around the room. Oh, how I loved the Burrow. It was so homely! I had been there for mere seconds before Molly Weasley came bustling out of the kitchen with a big grin on her face.

"Molly!"I shouted excitedly.

"Oh, Tina dear!" she wrapped me in a hug before yelling up the stairs, "Ginny, Hermione, Serpentina's here!"

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