Chapter 3

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     I was jolted awake by the sound of thunder and a flash of lightning. I groaned and closed my eyes, foucusing on the sounds around me. Rain, thunder, wimpering, wind, wait... wimpering? I opened my eyes and turned to see Masky shudder in his sleep. Instantly images of my nightmares flooded my head. I hated it. I stood and silently walked over to Masky. His beautiful face flashed with fear. wait... face plamed. I just called my best friend beautiful, ugh. Masky whimpered again and i saw him bite his lip. I kneeled down and gently stroked him, "Shh, il mio soldato. Shh..." his grimace faded but he still whimpered, "Shh, Sarò sempre vegli su di voi." I said, remembering my mothers words. we had spoken italian at home. Whenever i was scared she would sing to me and tell me, "Sarò sempre vegli su di voi." i'll always watch over you. Masky stopped whimpering. Groggily, his hand touched mine. I quickly pulled away, but instantly regretted it. His expression grew worried and once agian fearful. If i comforted him, then... I pulled off my hood and laid it over him. Masky took deep breaths, filling his head with my scent. He stopped whimpering and clutched my hood close. I sighed and decided to just get it back in the moring. Slowly, i crept back to my bed and fell into a blessedly dreamless sleep.


     "Hoodie... Hoodie... Hoodie..." i smirked, her smile, her personality, her fighting, her voice, her scent, god i loved her scent. I didn't want to get up. I just wanted to stay within this sweet serinety. "Masky, come on. Let go." i hear a voice say, "Hoodie?" i ask, a grin forming on my lips. "Uh... yeah... can i have my hood back now?" i slowly opened my eyes to find myself hugging Hoodie's hood against my bare chest. I look up to see Hoodie with raised eyebrows and a small smirk. Those red eyes questioning me. I felt my cheeks grow hot and i shoved the hood to Hoodie. "Here. S-sorry." i said, quickly pulling my mask on to hide my face. I pulled on a shirt, my jacket, and some fresh pants. I watched as Hoodie pulled her a gray hood on over a black tank top and jeans. She fixed her mask to her face and placed a knife in each sleeve. We both pulled on boots and left the room, locking it behind us.


     We sat in the kitchen, eating a strawberry cheesecake for breakfast. I know, not the healthiest, but it taseted soo goood. Hoodie shovled it in, making me agian question if she was a guy in a girls body. "Hey Masky?" she asks, her mouth full. "Yeah?" i say, inbetween bites. "After your nightmare, how do you feel?" She asks, concern filling her voice. I try to think back to last night, any nightmares? None. Nada. "I dont remember having a nightmare, just a really good dream." i say before i can stop myself. I cant tell her that the really good dream was actually about.. well.. her. But she dosent ask. Soon enough Slender appears and we leave to stalk our prey.

Eyeless JackPOV (Why not?):

     I watch the two as they leave. Masky and Hoodie... Masky was acting weird arounf Hoodie. I poped a kidney on my mouth and pondered Masky being gay. "Maybe." i said finally. Only one way to find out. I turn out of the kitchen and head up to the two's room.



   Of course the door was locked, and of course i had my tools on me. Never know when you can get a kidney! I picked the lock and watched as the door swung open. My empty black sockets swept the room. i quitely entered and shut the door. Masky's bed was un made, as was Hoodie's. Yet, further snooping produced a picture in Masky's pillow case. I pulled it out and stared at the photo. "They... were so young." i whisper. it's a photo from when Hoodie First became a proxy. Hoodie was only 5, and Masky 6. This was from 10 years ago, they are still young. Being a teen was not easy, but being a proxy and still a kid? "Guess thats why their the best Slendy has." I say. That was when i saw the photo of Masky and Hoodie together, Masky's arm around Hoodie, hugging him close... "Yup." i said, "Masky, you. are. in. love."

(So... what do you think? What will happen with EJ's new found knowledge? and whats with Masky dreaming about Hoodie? well... thats.. obiovos... shut up reader! i still havent finished toying with Hoodie's past. MUHAHAHAHA! please comment) 

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