Chapter 5

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     I wake from a amazing dream to see Hoodie above me, "MMMHHPPHHH?" i ask. "Come on, time to get up!" Hoodie says, pushing me off the bed. i catch myself and turn just in time to see Hoodie pull on a back pack over a black hood. "We're leaving in five minutes." She says. I get up and quickly pull on a clean shirt, my jacket, and my mask. I placed two knives in my slevee, just in case. When i turned Hoodie was opening the window, "Lets go." She said, then jumped. I followed.


     When we were on the edge of a small town hoodie made me hand over my mask. I watched as she stuffed both of our masks in her bag. She then slung the backpack on and we started to walk. "So" i said. "What is this lead?" Hoodie kept her eyes forward, "A man with a tatoo, same as the men who killed my parents." She said, keeping her voce low, "I confronted him, he is new and wants to live. So i had him pull some info." we turned the corner, "Where did you find this guy?" i asked. Hoodie smiled and my stomach fluttered, "as i was at the store, buying cheesecake." 


    We came upon a coffee shop and Hoodie propmtly walked in like she owned the place. A bald man in the corner looked up and fear filled his eyes. Hoodie and i walked towards him and a waitress walked up, "HI!" she said in a chipper voice, "What would ya'll like?" Hoodie gave the waitress a dazzling smile, "A full size boston cheese cake and two strawberry milkshakes, to go." The waitress gave her a look, "Place it on my uncle's tab." She said, noddding to the bald man, who was nodding furiously. "Just put it on my card." he said. The waitress left, looking back at us momentariy. Hoodie turned to the man and in a voice that made my skin crawl said, "The file." The man slid a orange envelope across the table. "It has everything Miss."  he said, "Everything you asked for."Hoodie gave him a chilling look, "Thank you Mark." She said as she thumbed through the envelope's contents. "The location?' she asked. Mark nodded and pulled out a sitcky note. Hoodie took it and smiled as the waitress returned with the cheesecake and milkshakes. "Thank you Uncle Mark." She said as she took the cheesecake and i grabbed the milkshakes. Mark eyed me as we left and i couldn't help but feel as if he was waiting for something.


     Masky and i sipped our milkshakes and sat on a park bench, watching the sun rise. "So." Masky says, "What now?" I pull out the sticky note, "We go here." I say, This is where the man that killed my parents is." i need to tell him, "Masky, whatever happens, be careful, these people are...well...i just want to warn you that..."Masky gave me a questioning look," I feel myslf grow tense, Masky looks into my eyes I looked at him a moment. He is my best friend, but... he would leave if... "Hoodie?" I look back to him, "" I close my eyes. I need to tell him what we are up against. "Masky, they wanted my parents for my parents data and will do anything to get me and the data back, including kill you." Masky soaks this in, "Whats his name, the man?" My gut screams, "Peirce." Masky nods then says, "Why are you lying?" i give him a look. Masky rolls his eyes, "I hav seen the scars, they didn't just kill your parents. What did they do?" I stand and start to walk away. "Hoodie!' Masky calls. I keep walking, if he knew.... if he found out.... by god! If he knew.... "Hoodie." I turn to see Masky right behind me, "NO." i say. "Just stop! I dont need to tell you!" i am now shouting, "It doesnt matter! All that matters is that Peirce pays! He needs to PAY!" i'm now yelling, "I DONT MATTER!! ALL THAT MATTERS IS THAT HIM AND HIS LITTLE ORGANIZATION GT JUSTICE!!" my breath is ragged, "I'LL JUST DO THIS WITHOUT YOU!!" and with that i run away, leaving Masky with wide eyes.

(Hey guys, how did you like it? I aploigize for my horrible writing skills. Pease comment and i hope to get the romance rolling soon.)

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