Chapter 8

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     I vaulted into a upright position on Hoodie's bed. My breaths were shaky and i could still feel those flames filled with hate, anger, agony, and deep sorrow and guilt. It took me a second to see that beside me Hoodie was shivering and whimpering. She was still experianceing that awful... whatever it was! I reached over and shook her, "Hoodie!" i said "Come on, wake up." she gave a small cry and batted my hands away. Her eyes shot open, tears falling down her cheeks. "Hoodie." i say, still she doesnt look at me and shivers across the bed avoiding my touch, "It's me, Masky." her eyes shoot up to mine, "Its okay, its over." i say. I touch her shoulder softly, she is as cold as ice, "Your not there anymore." i wipe her tears and, slowly, hug her. At first she was limp, then her arms circled around me. She pulled me close and cried softly. "Masky...did you see that?" she says in a small voice. I nod, my hand stroking her head, "Yes." i said, "Hoodie,was that a memory of yours?" She went rigid. "Hoodie?" she pulled away and pulled her black tank top up a bit, "Masky, dont tell." she said as she exstended her hand away from us. Instantly a small red flame flickered in her palm. My eyes widened and the flame went out. "Kassandra?" i ask. She nods and says, "the woman on the floor was my mother. After she died i lost it and... MHHRPP!?!" i yanked her into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry that happened." i said, "I wont let them ever touch you again." She dosent pull away, she actually hugged me tighter. A muffled "Thank you." comes from her. I rest my chin on top of her head and draw small circles on her back. All of that pain, all of her scars, they all came from this Perice guy. My mind was made, i was going to kill him... slowly.


     I woke up as the sun was rising. I could hear a heart beat in my right ear and that was when i realized i had fallen asleep wrapped in Masky's warm arms. His chin was on my head, his arm around my waist and another across my shoulders and back. Our legs were tangled and his breaths were slow. I felt so comfortable and safe. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, then noted that i was agianst Masky's bare chest. Now a bit flustered i turned my head to the side and closed my eyes. Masky knew part of it, and he didn't call me the monster i was sure i was. Suddenly i heard a yawn and felt Masky shift. I looked to him and saw he was awake. "Morning." i said. "Good morning." he said in a voice that gave me chill bumps. We stayed there like that for a few seconds before he realized the way he was holding me and became a bit flustered. "Oh.. uh.." We untangle ourselves  and stand. "Thanks Masky." i say as i walk to the bathroom to change. Behind me i hear a small, "Of course....Kassandra." 

     I pull on a feash black tank top and jeans. i wash my face and lace my hair into a braid  that fell past my waist. When i exited the bathroom i saw Masky searching for a clean shirt. He wore faded jeans and his hair was tossled. I could see the defined six pack and lean muscles. I myself had some awsome muscles but i was no where near as tan Masky was. In fact, i was freaking white! I shook my head and made my way to my bed. "so, how did you sleep?" Masky asks. i pause and say, "Very good, how about you?" I felt a arm snake around my waist and a pair of lips press against my cheek, "Same." he murmmers and pulls away. I turn to look at him. I give him a smirk amd say, "Don't go all Offenderman on me." His face goes beat red and he gives a shaky laugh. I shake my head, i knew he couldn't keep his cool for long.


     After a fruitful day of hunting Hoodie and i sit down at the kitchen table. Jane and Hoodie are talking. Jack keeps giving me thumbs ups, Jeff and BEN are arguing and Sally was kicking Laughing Jack in the stomach. Pretty normal, except for this morning. I had no idea as to what had gotten into me but i had kissed Hoodie on the cheek. I was actually surprised i was still standing. "I'm going to bed." i told Hoodie. She nodded and stood, "Same." Jane wiggled her eyebrows at me and i took a step back. Hoodie wnt up stairs and as i was walking behind her i heard Jane's voice say, "Just tell her bro." 

     Hoodie came of of the shower with sweat pants and a dark gray tank top on. Her damp hair went past her waist. She was so beautiful. "Hey." she said, not looking at me. "Hey." i said, and took a breath. "Can i tell you something?" I said as i threw my shirt to the dirty clothes pile. "Sure." She said. Even in her sleep wear she looked amazing. I suddenly felt plain in my shorts and tossled brown hair. Was i good enough? "Masky? You okay?" She asked Turning to me. I nodded and walked over to her to help her fix her bed for the night. "You wanted to say something?" her voice sounded worried. I took another deep breath and went over everything Eyeless Jack had told me. I cupped Hoodie's face, making her look up at me. I quickly put my lips against hers. She stiffened, then wrapped her arms around my head. I moved my lips agianst her incredibly soft lips and wrapped my arms around her waist. This was her first kiss, and my second. But i never wanted to kiss anyone else ever agian. 

     After a amazing hour of kissing we were simply snuggleing in her bed. I later pushed my bed up against hers so we wouldn't be crammed and was now drifting off watching Hoodie peacefuly asleep.

(That was my first kiss scence ever and i actually have never made out with anyone before so sorry if it sucked. Please comment.) 

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