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Time skip to a few days before the tour
It's 3 days before the tour and I have so much stuff to do.
It's 7:30 am. I go and get in the shower then get dressed. I throw on my old Metallica master of puppet shirt, ripped skinny jeans, black boots and my Hair thrown up in a messy bun
And do my make up. At 9:30 I head to the post office to stop my mail for the tour.

"Next! Good morning how can I help you" the clerk said.
"Hi I need to temporarily stop my mail."
"Ok name and address."
"Casey Taylor. 1600 vine st apartment 936"
"Alright Ms. Taylor why are we stopping your mail today?"
"I'm going on tour with a bang as there tour photographer."
"Oh how nice! That's gonna be fun"
"Oh yeah I'm super excited!"
"Oh. Ms.Taylor I'm showing we have a package for you."
"Here you are." The clerk says handing me a very large box.
"Wow um."
"Do you need help getting it in your car?"
"Yes ma'am please!"
The clerk calls over a buff looking guy.
"Which one is your car ma'am?"
"The yellow Ford Fiesta right there. Here let me pop the hatch for you."
I pop the hatch and he takes my package and goes and puts it in my car as I'm finishing up with the clerk.
"Thank you for your help ma'am." I said to the clerk
"No problem and have a fun time."
"Thanks I will."

Next I go to a camera store and buy 2 more spare cameras, a hand held tripod, and a standing tripod. 4 big memory cards, an extra strap for each of my cameras and a lens that is best for concerts.

After that I go the mall and meet Zach there. It's noon.

"Hey Zachy!"
"Hey Casey why am I here and not Jack?"
"Because I'm buying him a present."
"New vans and a custom skateboard I had made"
"Your the best girl friend ever!"
"I know."
We go to the vans store first and i ask Zach Jacks shoe size. Then I grab him a new white pair, black, maroon, and checkered. Then Zach and I walk to the Skate shop in the mall. On our way there some fans spot Zach and I.
"Oh my gosh oh my gosh it's ZACH HERRON!!!! Ahhh" girl #1 says
"Oh my gosh" girl #2 said
"Hey guys!" Zach says
"Casey why are you here with Zach?"
"Well we go on tour in a couple days and I'm Buying a few things for Jack."

After we take a few pictures we start on our way to the skate shop.

"Hi welcome in how can I help you?"
"Hi I have a pick up order for a custom board"
"Ok name on the order?"
"Casey Taylor."
"Ok Ms. Taylor let me look. Ah here it is let me grab it"
He comes back carrying a skateboard. It has Avery written in gold, the Why Don't We symbol on one end, and the day we got together on the other. Then on the grip tape(black stuff on top of the board) it has a cut out of J.R.A and C.M.T
"DUDE! This is awesome!"
"Jack is gonna love it!"
"Oh I hope so!"

At 1:30 we head to the Why Don't We house and of course Jazmine is there.
"Oh look who it is" Jazmine says scoffing
"Hey whore!"
I go upstairs to Jacks room and he's there with his eyes closed, his head phones in and blasting music. I set my stuff down then climb on the bed with him and kiss his lips.
"Jazmine I'm gonna give you 5 seconds to get the fuck away from me!"
"Um who?!" I yelled
"Oh baby! I'm sorry. Jazmine came in here earlier and tried to kiss me so I thought she was trying again."
"Oh hell no!" I said storming out of her room
"What is going on?" Jonah says as I reach the bottom of the stairs
"That slut tried to kiss Jack!"
"What?!" Jonah and Corbyn said at one
"Of course I did I'm getting him back." Jazmine said
"No your not slut!"
"You guys aren't engaged I heard the guys talking about it! Therefor i still have a chance and I WILL get him back. Mark my words."
"Oh honey you better leave this house right fucking now before I do something I regret."
"Oh and what are you gonna do bitch?" She says getting in my face the next thing I know jack is in front of us and pushes Jazmine lightly away.
"You need to leave NOW! You've caused enough drama for today."
"Jackie baby why are you kicking me out?" Jazmine says pouting
"I DONT WANT YOU HERE! I DONT WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU! I LOVE CASEY NOT YOU. ALL YOU ARE IS A FUCKING SLUT. Fuck this!" Jack says then gets down on one knee and takes my ring off of me.
"Casey this is not the way I wanted to do this but if it's the only way to get this bitch away from me. I'm gonna do it! Casey Mae Taylor I love you so much and I'm so lucky to have you in my life. You've made me a better man. Will you do me the honor of becoming Casey Mae Avery? In about 2 years maybe?"
"Awe Jack! Yes a million times yes!" I said pulling him up to me he puts the ring on my left ring finger then kisses me.
"Seriously Jack after everything we've been through your choosing her?"
"Yupp she never cheated on me with 5 guys."
Jazmine just scoffs.
Jack whispers in my ear "just go with it."
Jack pushes me up against the wall pinning me to it then starts kissing me passionately and rough he picks me up and I'm wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck tugging at his curls.
I hear Jazmine start crying and say "I HATE YOU JACK AVERY!" And she ran out.
Jack gives me one more peck and stops the kiss.
"Sorry guys."
"You do you bud." Corbyn said.
"Oh babe I have presents for you!"
We run upstairs and I hand him the bag of vans!
"Awe babe these are amazing thank you." Jack said then gave me a kiss.
"It gets better close your eyes."
He does and I hand him the board and he is stunned. He's looking at the bottom and the grip tape.
"Casey! This is amazing!"
" I love you baby."
"I love you so much babe!"

--------------------------------------------------------------w/c 1121 Looks like we might have Jazmine out of the picture let's see what happens next

Choosing love. Jack Avery(completed)Where stories live. Discover now