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(So I recently found out that their managers name is Randy....ooops. Oh well I'm gonna keep it as David then in my daniel story I started called "My Daniel❤️" I start using Randy)

Casey's POV

We get on the bus and head to davids office. It's about a 15 minute drive.

"Hello boys and casey. Please sit"

We sit down on this couch David had in his office. I start to tell him about the time Jazmine and I had spent together and our conversation tonight. Then I played him the recording of my conversation with Jenna.

"Ok casey you need to email me that right away."

I email it to David as he starts dialing someone on his desk phone.

"Hello David." I hear Jazmine say
"Jazmine I regret to inform you that you are being officially banned from the tour. You will not be allowed at any of the shows and you are no long allowed to be the opening act for this tour or any other tour involving Why Don't We. Your behavior has been appalling and I'm deeply sadden by your immaturity. You have been horrible to Casey, Jack Jonah, Zach, Corbyn, and Daniel."
"Thank you. Wait any tour?!"
"Yes any tour involving the boys"
"It was that bitch Casey doing that wasn't it?!"
Jack quickly covers my mouth then whispers in my ear.
"She doesn't know she's on speaker."
He gives me a look and I nod indicating that I won't say anything.
"No Jazmine it wasn't. That was entirely my idea. All Casey did was play me the recording of the phone call she had with your mutual friend Jenna Davidson. Where she confessed everything you were planning on doing. Are you 12 or 19?"
"Um I'm 19 David."
"Then start acting like it." David said then hung up.
"Ok kids she's off the tour and you won't be bothered by her anymore. Casey your welcome to stay on as the tour photographer if you so wish."
"Of course David!"
"Wait what's that on your finger?!"
"Um David I guess I have something to tell you. Casey and I are engaged." Jack said
"Oh no your mad!"
"Yeah I'm mad! Mad that you didn't tell me as soon as it happened you little shit!"
"Sorry david."
"In that Case. Casey anything you need camera equipment, lighting,, anything let us know! We will rent it"
"Thanks David!"

We leave davids office and decide to go for a walk we find a really cool bridge and I take pictures of it and the boys in front of it.

We leave davids office and decide to go for a walk we find a really cool bridge and I take pictures of it and the boys in front of it

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(Coronado bridge in San Diego. Credit...Google)

Jack picks me up and swings me around and when he stops I wrap my legs around his waist.

"I love you beautiful. This moment this place this is where I should have proposed to you."
"I love you to my Noodle head. But I love where you proposed."
"Move in with me?"
"We are engaged now move in with me and the boys. Please?"
"It's gonna cost a fortune to break my lease."
"I'll pay for it when we get back please baby."
"Ok fine you goof ball!"
Jack kisses me very passionately still holding me.

"Ugh come on guys!!" Daniel says
"Oh wait you mean keep doing this?" Jack says and pushes me up against one of the posts on the bridge and starts kissing me passionately and it starts to get heated super quick!!!
"Ok ok guys stop. No sex in the middle of the street" Corbyn says.
"CORBYN!" I yell
"Ok fine please no sex in the middle of the street?"
"We weren't gonna have sex. We were just making out to make daniel uncomfortable. Calm down."
"Oh lord don't do that."
"We just need to find Daniel a girl." Jack chimes in.
"Yes we do need to find Daniel a girl" daniel says.

Choosing love. Jack Avery(completed)Where stories live. Discover now