Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 (edited)

I felt tiny pressure on my cheeks and small fuzz tickling my nose. I smiled, knowing Harry had just woken up.

"Good morning," he whispered in my ear. I nodded then felt around my face for his tiny body. I finally found it then gently lifted him up. He was still in the new sweater I had made him the other day. he was so adorable.

I laid him on the extra pillow next to me. He held onto my hand, wanting it to stay there. "please," he whispered. I smiled kindly and kept my hand next to him. he cuddled into my palm, his head resting on my thumb.

"So, I never got my princess dress," Harry pouted his lip at me. I giggled. "I'll make it soon," I promised. He cheered and nuzzled into the palm of my hand. I sat up in my bed and brought Harry to sit on my knee. "Let's girl talk," he wiggled his tiny eyebrows.

"Nothing really goes on in my life." I shrugged. He stood up and grabbed one of my fingers. "Okay, then let me paint your nails," He offered. "alright," I nodded. I picked Harry up and then opened a drawer on the bedside table. "I don't really have a lot of colors," I told him. "That's fine" He smiled.

Harry hopped down into the drawer and started looking for the nail polish. "I found 'em!" He chimed. I pulled him out of the drawer and saw he had dust bunnies on him. "I need to clean that drawer out," I said, dusting him off. he smiled and picked up the polish. "it's heavy," he groaned. "aww," I cooed. I picked it up and placed it on the table then picked him up as well.

Harry watched as I opened up the bottle. I then handed the brush to him. "is it too heavy?" I teased. He pouted his lip in the most adorable way them shook his head. "It is not heavy, for your information," he said. I giggled then laid my hand on the table.

"What would you like for design?" he asked.


"My dad is coming, you better hide," I whispered to Harry. A look of sadness came over his face and he hugged my thumb and kissed it. "I'll be right there to comfort you when he goes away," he said, pointing to the drawer. I nodded and hid him in there.

"Valerie!" My father yelled for the third time. "Come here now!"

Harry's POV

I waited in the dark for a while. I could hear Valerie's cries from downstairs. What had she done? Why did her parents beat her? She wasn't a bad person, I knew that. I had to get out of this drawer and see her. But how?

An idea sprung into my head. What if I could run into it to push it open? so that's what I did. I walked to the back of the drawer than ran as fast as I could to the opening. I slammed my body against it, cracking the drawer open just enough so that I could squeeze through. I jumped up and caught hold of the edge. I crawled out of the small opening and stood on top of the mini dresser.

It was a very far drop. how was I supposed to get down? An idea then hit me. I'll climb down the lamp cord! I went to the lamp and found the cord, grabbing it and slowly climbing down. It took a while but I was finally on the ground.

I ran to the door and looked up but It was shut. I frowned then got on my stomach and crawled under. It was a tight space and really difficult, but I managed.

Once up on my feet, I ran to the edge of the stairs. This would be difficult. There weren't that many stairs but it was still hard. I sat down on the edge of the stairs, my feet dangling on the edge. I took a few deep breaths then jumped.

I landed on the hard, wood stairs with a thud, unsuccessfully landing. I had landed on my side, making my arm hurt. I sniffled, rubbing my arm to help the pain. It still hurt a lot. But I had to suck it up and find Valerie.

My small feet carried me farther down the steps until I reached the floor, only successfully landing a few times. My arms stung bad from hitting it a few more times but I could handle it. I ran across the floor to where I heard the crying, now soft sniffles, coming from.

Valerie was sat up against the far corner of a wall, sniffling and wiping her eyes. I needed to get to her. I ran as fast as my legs would take me, hoping she'd be alright. I've only known her for a few days but I love her. I always get attached to the people I'm given to and I can't help but feel heartbroken when they are sad or hurt.

Once I was at Valerie's feet, I grabbed the ends of her jeans and started climbing up her leg. It wasn't long before I was sitting on top of her knee, trying to get her attention.

"Valerie!" I called, jumping on her knee. I felt her hand brush lightly against my back, her thumb then wrapping around my small torso. She laid me back in her hand then brought me to sit on her shoulder. I stood up on my tiptoes to whisper apologies into her ear.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't here earlier. I was stuck in a drawer, but don't worry. I'm here now. Oh, please don't cry, Valerie! They aren't worth your tears. Where does it hurt? I'll kiss it better. Lets get out of the house. Get away from here for a while. How about the park? I know you like it there." I was only rambling, hoping that I could somehow cheer her up.

Valerie placed her hand by her shoulder and I hopped onto it. She then lifted her hand near her face where I could see the tear stains on her cheeks. She gave me a small smile and placed a gentle kiss on my head. I hugged her thumb, sending a bright and kind smile towards her.

"I'd like that. Lets get out of the house, we'll go to the park like you said." She smiled. I giggled as she pushed her thumb against my side, tickling me.


Guys I'm so sorry it has taken forever to update this, I've been busy with my other stories and school as well.

I really love this story but just have no ideas for it. if u guys would like to share ur ideas PLZ comment or inbox me! :)

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Love all my lovelies!

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