Chapter 1

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Above:  Valerie

Chapter 1 (edited)

The cold wind blew on my face. I hate winter. I hate snow. I hate everything. I hold my brother in my arms tightly, shielding him from the wind with my jacket. my brother was probably the only thing I didn't hate. "Joseph, have a good day at school." I smiled at him. He hugs me tight. I put him down on the floor and he ran off towards the school, waving to me. "Bye Valerie!" he smiled at me. I smiled back at him and waved.

I walk away from the elementary school that I had dropped my brother off at. I didn't have a car, but thankfully we lived close to his school. I made my way down the side walk, on my way to the high school I went to. I'm a junior there, thankfully almost done.

"Look who it is," a car drove slowly next to me, the window rolled down. I groaned, walking faster. "Don't ignore me" The boy inside the car said. I continued to ignore him anyway and made my way across the street. The boy inside honks at me and sticks his head out the window.

"Come on, darling, don't be like that," he smirked. I rolled my eyes. I got on the side walk and started walking to the school. He thankfully drove off to head to the same place.

Louis Tomlinson was notorious for being a bully. More specifically, my bully. He knew just what to say to make my day terrible. But I wanted today to be a good day. It felt like it could be one.

I reached the school and ran to my locker quickly. Left and right people were giving me ugly looks. I just didn't understand it. what did I ever do wrong? why did they hate me? I got my locker open and grabbed my first class' books. The students hatred for me most likely came from Louis. He was the person everyone wanted to be friends with, so if he said something, they probably would go with it.

Walking to class, people pushed and shoved me. The students hurried off to class as the bell rang throughout the hall, leaving me with books a mess on the floor from someone shoving me.


Well, today wasn't a good day, like I hoped it would be. It was hell just like any other day. I felt like no one even respected me. I didn't have any friends to back me up either, all I had was my little brother, but I wouldn't put such stress on a child.

I made my way to the pickup area for his school. Minutes passed, and there Joseph was with a teacher. Was he in trouble? I walked over to the two of them. 

"Sissy!" Joseph smiled at me. "Hey bud. how was school today?" I asked him. "Okay. My teacher wants to talk to you," he mumbled. I frowned slightly as I picked him up and looked at his teacher. "Hi, I'm Valerie, Joseph's sister. Did something happen?" I smiled at the teacher. "Yes, actually. I wanted to talk to you." She said. I stayed silent, nodding.

She lead me into the school, taking me to the principals office. "Please take a seat" the principle tells me, giving a kind smile. "did Joseph get in trouble?" I asked. he shook his head. "No ma'am. But Joseph has told the teacher some things about home." He looks to the teacher.

"What things?" I asked, cautiously. I felt my Heath speed up slightly. "Well, today in class, I told to my student to write about their parents and Joseph had a one that I was quite worried about," the teacher said.

I gulped. no, he didn't. I held Joseph tight to my chest. "w-what did it say?" I stuttered over my words. the teacher grabbed a folded up piece of paper from her pocket and opened it up. "Would you like to read it, ma'am?" She asked. I nodded my head and took the paper in my hands.

'My parents aren't very nice. they are always yelling at me and sissy. they always hurt sissy. They make sissy cry and I don't like it.'

I placed the paper on the desk and look at Joseph. "Miss, is this true?" The principal asked. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. "I.. no. We have to go, can we go?" I asked, standing up. I held Joseph close. "ma'am" The principal also stood. "I really do have to leave" I said. I walked out of the room.

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