I Guess This Is Goodbye

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song for this chapter is Here Comes Goodbye By Rascal Flatts when I say stop stop playing the song.

12 days later

I knocked at Jamie's apartment and sat on the stairs. Jamie opened the door and sat with me and I started to cry, I flung myself into his armies as we sat on the steps and cried.

"Its okay, its going to be okay," Jamie said trying to comfort me as I cried into his chest.

"I love you Jamie, I don't want to leave," I sobbed into him,"I love you." 

"I love you Kerri, so so much," Jamie said stroking my hair.

"I can't do this....... I cant leave you, not like this," I said as Jamie whipped the tiers from my eyes.

"You have to go home Kerri, you have to finish college and become the most famous artist this world has ever seen, to become more famous then I will ever be," Jamie said, "For me, do it for me, be strong for me Kerri."

I nodded and kissed him for the last time as I got up and left trying not to cry. As I crossed the street and walked a couple blocks down to where Hanna was sitting, that's when I started to cry. I fell to my knees and bowled into her lap.

"Kerri its time," Hanna said sadly as we started to run to the hotel to get on the bus. The bus past Jamie's apartment and he was still on the steps crying, it made me start crying. Hanna held me the whole time, she is the best friend ever.

During the long plane ride home, I looked at the pictures of Jamie that we took this week. Their was one of Jamie still asleep in his bed when I dropped by Wednesday morning, Jamie looked so at peace and so adorable. The next picture as of Jamie and I at the coffee shop then at the park. I had to put my phone away before I started to cry again.

"Hanna will I ever get over him," I asked her sadly.

"Do you want to?" Hanna asked.

"No I will wait for him," I said to Hanna, "I will wait for you," I whispered to my phone where Jamie and I are on the screen.


Hours had paced by the time we touched down in Chicago, Illinois. I was now a very long ways away from Jamie, the thought made me sick to my stomach. We took a bus to the campus when I got off and headed to my dorm room. I had no roommate so it was just my place, not even Hanna comes in to my dorm room.

I unpacked my stuff and took out my phone and was about to call Jamie when I got ill and ran to the bathroom and through up. I must of ate something bad but I haven't ate really anything for weeks.

I opened my covered where I hid a whole bunch of pregnancy tests. I never use them its that my mom shipped them to me saying that if it happens it happens, so I kept all 20 pregnancy tests just in case. I pulled out three and waited.

As I waited I brushed my teeth occasionally glancing at the three pregnancy tests on my bathroom counter. When finally it was time, I looked at them at the same time and they all said the same thing........Positive.

"Hells bells," I whispered to myself.

I grabbed my phone then called Hanna to help me. She came into my dorm room cautiously then ran to my side in the bathroom. I told her to call Jamie. Jamie picked up on the first ring.

"Kerri is that you," Jamie said.

"No its Hanna her best friend," Hanna said to him over the phone.

"Where's Kerri, is she okay," Jamie said in a rush.

"She's in the bathroom throwing up, and she is mostly fine," Hanna said.

"What do you mean mostly fine," Jamie said angrily.

I signaled Hanna to hand me the phone.

"I'm mostly fine because I'm pregnant Jamie," I laughed.

"Are you sure Kerri absolutely certain," Jamie said.

I sighed an took a picture of the three positive pregnancy tests and sent it to him saying "I'm positive lol :p."

"Wow that's amazing Kerri, and I like what you did with the positive, that was a good one," he laughed. We talked until  8 p.m. in the morning.

"I have to go Jamie I will talk to you latter, I love you," I said to Jamie.

"I love you too Kerri," Jamie said and then he was gone.

I sighed and flopped down onto my big bed and fell asleep.

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