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(Ahh I really hate skipping time ;-; sorry)
Two Weeks Later

With the cold November, Chanyeols birthday approaches. Three days felt like an eternityof anticipation. Kyungsoo and Minseok planned a if surprise party for Chanyeol.

Kyungsoo was excited, though the few weeks he had been walking straight from the bed tothe bathroom to release his dinner from the night before. The youngers random vomits worried both him and Chanyeol.

Instead of going to work today, Minseok was going to bring him to the doctors for a checkup. Chanyeol left for work, at Jin's Diner, when the two left for the hospital.

In the car, random songs would come on. Him and Minseok even screamed the lyrics of "Let's Not Fall In Love," making both their throats hurt. The pair laughed extremely hard to where they were both red in the face. Though, sadly the fun ride was over when they pulled into the parking spot.

Upon entering they walked to the room they were directed to and was greeting by a man. "Hello, I'm Dr. Kwon, but you can call me Jiyong if you prefer so. Anyways, what seems to be the problem?" He said, shaking their hands.

"Ah, recently I've been having trouble keeping my dinner down the next morning. I've also been have extreme fatigue recently." Kyungsoo stepped forward, sitting on the bed as directed.

"Okay, I'll just have to get your information, then the examination can begin." Jiyong said, motioning to the clipboard he held in his hands.

They both nodded and looked to Jiyong. "Full name?"

"Do Kyungsoo."

"Age? And birthday?"

"I'm 24, and I was born on January 12, 1993."

"This one is kind of personal, but last sexual activity?"

"Um," Kyungsoo blushed, thinking back to when Chanyeol came home. "Around two weeks ago." Minseok coughed and cleared his throat, laughing at Kyungsoo.

"Okay, that's about everything I need. Your signs that you gave hint at something but I want to be sure before I tell you." The look on Kyungsoos face almost made Jiyong laugh because the young one looked overly worried. "Nothing bad! I promise, but I will need to run a blood test or two. A nurse will be in here with everything in a few."

With that he exited the room, smiling at what he knew was the matter with Kyungsoo.

"Two weeks, huh?" Minseok elbowed Kyungsoo. He blushed and told him, "Sh-shut up. He just got back and it was random, o-okay?"

"Okay, okay, you have a point. So what have you guys been up to?" Minseok took the chair from across from him and waited for the reply.

"Bonding stuff, you know? Like a date night here and there. We don't do that, though. Just cuddles." Kyungsoo said, once again letting the familiar red creep over his face.

Before the awkward conversation continued, a girl with short brown hair walked in the room. Her name tag read 'Chaeyoung' and she smiled to the both of them.

"Okay, Kyungsoo, can I see your arm." He was hesitant at first, but soon gave in, making Minseok look away. Soon the bit of blood they needed were taken. Jiyong came back in the room, bringing along multiple papers with him.

"The blood tests didn't go through that fast have they?" Minseok exclaimed, staring miraculously at him. A chuckle passed his lips as he shook his head. "No, no, it's just what I think is the problem requires multiple care steps. But refrain from worrying it's not bad, it's actually good."

Chaeyoung came back with all the papers after about thirty minutes. They were only filled with common health questions from Jiyong.

"Ah, just as I thought!" Jiyong exclaimed. "Kyungsoo, do you know anything about male pregnancy?"

"Um, well I know it's kinda rare, but my friend Baekhyun has a son that he gave birth to. Other than that, that's about it." Kyungsoo answered the breath slowly leaving his body. His face suddenly pales as he realized why the doctor would suddenly would be asking him the question.

"Well from what I can tell, you have the ability to bare and give birth to a child. In fact you're about two weeks pregnant." Jiyong told the two.

"Damn, what about Chanyeol?" Minseok worriedly looked to Kyungsoo, who's face hardened with seriousness.

"He's not going anywhere," it suddenly softened when he had an idea. "Minseok! We can tell him for his birthday! He'll be happy, I know for sure."

Minseoks face twisted thinking of ways to plant the papers. "Wait, what makes you so sure?"

"Well he always told me he wanted a baby. Mrs. Park and I even talked about baby names and shit for fun."

Jiyong cleared his throat, waiting for his presence to be acknowledged. "Anyway, Kyungsoo, all I can say is keep your diet healthy and eat a lot, you're feeding for two now. Cravings will come and go, and mood swings as well. Just take this packet, it's healthy foods for you and the baby."

After the long conversation ended, Kyungsoo went to the front desk to plan an appointment for an ultrasound. A smile was plastered on his face, while his hand went to his stomach by instinct. Al he had to do was keep the secret for two days.



Anyway, I have plans for this book. I originally wanted to only go to 10 chapters, yet here I am extending it :))

I have school in like 6 hours so I should sleep now

Bai Spawns ;)

-I'm Out-
-Lexi x

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