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When a fluorescent light flown through the open window, Chanyeol grabbed Kyungsoos hand. A confused look came from the younger, causing the giant to chuckle lightly.

"Relax babe," he said, rubbing Kyungsoos shoulders. "Let's go out?" He said, backhugging the squishy person in front of him.

"Out?" Kyungsoo asked, turning around and wrapping his arms around Chanyeols neck.

"Yes," he chuckled again. "We'll go out because you're already 5 months pregnant and we're gonna find out the gender soon," Chanyeol rambled on. "It'll be good for you and the baby." The small, but really showing baby stuck out, causing Chanyeols hand to rub it.

"You know," Kyungsoo started, putting his hand on top of Chanyeols. "I guess you're right. Let's go out before we figure out what we're having."

Chanyeol threw on a pullover sweatshirt, and a pair of black jeans before helping Kyungsoo get dressed. They put on a simple black long sleeve shirt, before adding a layer of a jacket, and thick sweatpants that seemed to cling to his frail legs.

Together they left to the car, a small red Altima that used up all of Chanyeols paycheck for the previous month. He's chosen the car because Kyungsoo always wanted one but never got around to buying one.

"Where are we going, exactly?" Kyungsoo asked after a while of driving. They were on the outskirts of Seoul, and had been driving for at least an hour.

"That's for me to know, and for you to find out, babe." The way Chanyeol said babe made Kyungsoo blush a little. They'd never used nick names other than 'Soo' or 'Yeollie'. They definitely never used pet names, either.

Chanyeol chuckled and put his hand on Kyungsoos thighs, rubbing them comfortably. The drive ended soon when they pulled into a park, the tall trees hanging over the whole park, as if watching everything that happened, observing the silly love stories or playful childeren.

A small basket full of homemade treats, courtesy of Mrs. Do and Mrs. Park, lay smelling sweet to the couples noses. They took a seat on at a table towards the back. The only other occupants of the tables were a gang of children who looked as if they were finishing high school.

Chanyeol grabbed a strawberry and took one bite, before he saw Kyungsoos desperate eyes. He laughed for the umpteenth time today before turning his head and teasing bringing the fruit across Kyungsoos face. He would've continued to tease him if Kyungsoo hadn't sprung one of his infamous scowls. He smiled and fed the strawberry to the smaller.

One of the boys looked over and asked, "Woah, is he really pregnant?" To which Chanyeol smiled and nodded. Though, soon his smile faltered when all the boys burst out laughing.

"Something funny?" Kyungsoo growled, looking to them. Two of the five flinched. The others smirked, pointing to the couple.

"So, how'd even happen?" One slurred. He sounded beyond drunk and then the couple noticed the multiple bottles of alcohol sprawled across the table.

"How old are you kid?" Chanyeol asked, pointing to him.

"About to be eighteen. Now answer the question." He slurred once more.

"What do you think? They've been doing the dirty." His friend hit his arm, sinking back in his seat, grabbing the hand of the boy to the right of him. He hid their hands under the table and fidgeted.

"Fags." The boy farthest from them spat. He dark locks were disheveled.

"Say it again. Make sure I can hear you this time." Kyungsoo said, surprising calmly, like he always did when he tried to contain his anger.

"I said you both are fags and I don't know why you're even out in public. You're basically scum to the public."

"I don't know whether or not you know this, but ya'll are dumbasses," Kyungsoo said, not even staring at the boys.


"Save it. This is the twenty first century and I'm my own independent person. I run my own business, and I might just let you walk away," Kyungsoo said, smirking. He stood up and began pacing back and forth in front of their table.

"Ah such close minded people today is the cause of many problems. You're so oblivious too," he smirked to the other boys whose hands were interlocked. "I can also call the police on underage drinking as well. I'm a grown man who can carry himself. The day you can do that is the day you can call me out on my name. Okay?" They all nodded and looked terrified.

"And you two," Chanyeol pointed. "Come have a chat with us."

When the two trembling boys walked up to them he patted the seat. The others had already left, terrified of what else they would do.

"What're your names, first off?"

"I'm Hoseok," the one with dark brown hair said. "And this," he pointed to the scowling boy next to him, "is Yoongi."

"Well," Kyungsoo started, "Maybe you should find better friends. The ones you have are not only asses, but they're homophobic asses."

"Yeah," Yoongi spoke up for the first time. "Anyway, you said you own run a business. What would that be?"

"The Wake Up Cafe on Main Street." Kyungsoo replies nonchalantly.

"We'll stop by sometime. Sorry for our old friends." Hoseok said, emphasizing old.

Kyungsoo and Chanyeol waved goodbye and walked back to the car. "Welp, that was something else now wasn't it." Chanyeol giggled and kissed Kyungsoos temple, driving in the direction to their house.


I'm sick and I feel like I'm dying

I wANNA HUG :(((

Word Count: 932 Words

-I'm Out-
-Lexi x

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