Chapter 2

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Gladion pov :
Moon finally woke up around 9 and got dressed . "so you finally decided come back to us ?„ She asked teasingly .

I smiled "well I figured it was about time I came back to Mele and seen the only friends I have „. She laughed lightly knowing it was the truth.

"still champion?„ I asked smiling . "still champion „ she replied softy. "the island has changed a lot since you've been gone „ Moon admitted running her fingers through her thick long black hair.

" Hau is kahuna , Ilima and Kiawe are exclusive, Guzma moved back here„ she rambled on about all that had happened while I was gone .

"so how's the " paradise"?„ Moon asked teasingly . "oh it's a " paradise " alright „ I said smirking .

Moons incineroar walked in handing Moon her phone . She laughed at her phone then started to what I could only assume was text back . She looked up at me "sorry Hau text me . He's awake now „ she said setting her phone down.

I looked at my phone it was 10:00 am " He just got up ?!„ I asked in shock . She smiled " unless Decidueye learn how to text and somehow managed to get Hau's phone „ .

I ran my fingers through my ponytail . I would've never figured Hau would be the one to wake up this late or at least not as Kahuna . I wonder how he looks , how he acts,... if he even remembers my name. I want to know how he's grown and what he knows . Kukui helped him so much .

"Sun ...„Moon said softly " he moved to Akala without saying as much as a goodbye to me... Hau told me Sun said it was because of his "research" , but I think he's just being petty ! Petttttyyyy!!!!" .

I laughed " still taking it hard is he ?" . " harder than Mesprit !" She commented back.

" so what time do you want to go see Hau ?" Moon asked throwing her phone down like it had no value whatsoever .

" whenever you want it's up to you ".

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